A Message from the Glen Eira Bicycle Users Group
Invitation Sunday 29 September Kid-friendly easy ride – 10-noon
3.5 km new path and local street ride to Carnegie Pool, flat easy leafy landscape.
Start/Finish 10am Glen Huntly Station
Decorated bikes welcome!
Kids with an adult, new riders and cheerful decorated riders and bikes welcome
Glen Eira Bicycle Users Group
RSVP gleneirabug@gmail.com
as advertised in Glen Eira News Glen Eira News | Digital Edition (smedia.com.au)
Streets People Love – advocating for safer streets for kids riding to school
This new statewide initiative of community groups advocates for safe and pleasant streets with wide footpaths, trees, traffic calming, safe routes for people on bicycles, scooters and other mobility devices. They enable all residents to be a part of their local community, to allow their kids to walk or ride to school, to access local services and safely get to where they need to go.
In the next few weeks, local council election candidates are asked to commit to delivering streets people love through a survey and pledge.
Community groups and individuals can also join Streets People Love.