Classroom Happenings

This term in Mathematics, the Foundation and Year 1 students have been learning all about 2D shapes. They have been using a mix of hands-on activities, group discussions, and creative art projects to identify, name, and describe common shapes such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles. The students have enjoyed spotting shapes in everyday objects in the classroom and playground, creating shape collages, and even using their imaginations to design their own patterns and pictures with different shapes. Be sure to ask your child about their favourite 2D shape and where they’ve spotted it around the house!
Students have also enjoyed a new fluency game called 'Addition Golf'.
They are required to add cards together to make 10. This is a great way to get students warmed up for maths and for them to practice their friends of 10 (two numbers that when added together make 10).
In Writing, students have been learning all about narratives. We have explored a variety of narratives in class and have focused on the structure of a narrative. A narrative begins with the characters and setting, in the middle there is a problem and at the end, there is a solution. Foundation and Year 1 students have enjoyed identifying these features when reading picture story books and they are excited to start creating their own narratives next week.
We created a Narrative Wall to help us with ideas when brainstorming for our narrative.
Archer's Narrative Plan
Greyson's Narrative Plan
Evie's Narrative Plan
YEARS 2,3 & 4
One of the best aspects of camp is the chance for students to embrace new adventures and challenges, enhancing their resilience and problem-solving skills while strengthening friendships.
The 3/4 students not only rose to the occasion but excelled. It was heartwarming to see them support one another, persist through difficult tasks, and celebrate each other's successes.
Some of their reflections are below:
On Monday morning 3 /4 went on camp to Borambola when we got there we set up our rooms then we had free time outside.
After we finished free time we went into the recreation center and played a bunch of games.
After we finished all the games our instructor Matt took us to the billabong. Then we started the sponge fight and we all got DRENCHED!!!!
After a while a big storm hit us so we went to the recreation center and played even more games. When the storm passed we got ready to do the MUD RUN!!!!!
When we got to the mud run we took a photo of us being all clean.
When we started the mud run we swam through piles of mud and we went under tiers with mud at the bottom,then we went through ropes and we pretended that they were lasers.
We also had to go down a giant slide with mud at the bottom, then we had to walk through mud just as we got out of the mud where we had to walk in there was a maze. Gladly we all made it through the maze, then we ran to the next puddle of mud where there was a rope and we had to lay on our back and drag ourselves across the mud before the finish line.
We took the last photo for the mud run. We were all covered in mud, especially the boys.
After dinner at camp there is a thing called Borambola show where they do games and you get a team of 4 people or 5. Our school got to be in a whole group. Lincoln had to eat a little cup of Vegemite. We also had to make the shape of Australia by eating bread. Sammy, you were brilliant at doing that. We also had to compliment our teacher. And I think that took one for the team. Claire said ‘ I will do it, I will do it” and then she made me say it. This was the compliment I said to miss Nagy.
You are very talented and very good at art.
There were lots of other games.
First we arrived at school at 7:45am after a long drive we arrived at Borambola at 10:45am.We went and set up our room. Before we went to sponge wars we played duck duck goose. Then Matt called us to get a sponge and fill it up with water. We then played farmer Sam. Then a storm came. When we went to the mud run it was freezing cold. The mud was slimy and gooey. First we had to go through 3 mud pits then we went under tyres. We went over logs and then we went down a slide. Then we had to go through a maze. We had to run over and climb a little rockwall. Then we had to run over and go hold onto rope and go underwater.
When we had dinner we also had a night show. We had to do challenges. In one of them, it was who had the stinkiest shoes. It was mine and its name was Carlton.
YEARS 5 & 6
Year 5/6 have been working on various Measurement strands in Maths over the past few weeks. We have been learning about Volume and Capacity, as well as 2D and 3D Shapes.
The content that we have been learning has begun to incorporate more complex calculations and we are learning some useful formulas to help us to easily measure the Volume of objects.
For example, to calculate the volume of a Rectangular Prism, we can use the formula; Volume = Height x Width x Length.
Did you know…. That Volume and Capacity are different? Volume is the measure of space enclosed by a solid. Capacity is the amount of liquid a shape can hold.
After calculating the Volume of a shape, the number must be represented as centimetres cubed.
Some other formulas for calculating volume are as follows:
A Cylinder: V= π x radius squared x height
A Cube: V= a × a × a = a3 cubic units, where 'a' is the length of the side of the cube.
A Pyramid: Volume= 1/3 ×Area of base×Height
A Cone: Volume= 1/3 x π x radius squared x height
These complex hands-on learning tasks have captivated the students and extended their knowledge of shapes a great deal. Try some of these formulas out at home with real life objects found in the pantry!