Infants and Primary


We are almost at the end of another very busy term, rehearsals are in full swing for our SMArt and Drama night performances, students are reminded to bring their costumes in on Monday ready for Tuesday's dress rehearsal. If you are having trouble finding what you need please talk to your child's teacher or call the office and we can help you out. A reminder, as the weather starts to warm up students are taking off their jumpers and jackets, please make sure their names are on these items so they can be returned to them if they are misplaced. It's also a good time to dig out your school bucket hats ready for term 4. 

Year 1

As Smart and Drama Night draws near, Year 1 have spent a lot of time perfecting props and practicing their movements on the stage. They are extremely excited to share their performance with the community. Thank you to those families who have already sent costumes in. Please see the note on Compass to see the costumes we will need for the performance. 


This fortnight in English, students have been looking at characters in stories, considering how they change throughout the storyline. Through exploring story characters, students have considered the research that authors need to conduct about a subject before they can create a story with realistic characters. We then conducted our own research to create an information text about lions. Over the last fortnight of the term, students will be looking at persuasive texts. As the term ends, students will be assessed on their reading levels to provide teachers with a benchmark for steps to take next term in supporting their continued growth in this area. 

In Mathematics, students have been busy applying many of their learnt skills to determine answers to difficult mathematical questions. We are currently working on estimating and recording measurement of length and area. 

The Positive Behaviour for Learning focus this fortnight has been on following the instructions of keeping hands, feet and objects to self. This concept becomes more difficult for students as the term ends, but it is important in keeping our school community a safe and respectful environment. 

Year 1 are becoming incredibly eager for a special event their History and Science teacher Ms. Wood, has arranged for them - a shearing demonstration. Unfortunately, this was unable to occur this week but has been rescheduled to next Thursday (19th September). This term, Year 1 have been learning about the past in History and Forces in our Physcial World in Science. As part of these units they have been learning about an important historical figure, David Unaipon, the man commemorated on our $50.00 note. He was an Aboriginal man celebrated for his contributions to agriculture as the inventor of the shears that have been largely unchanged since his design. We have been exploring David Unaipon's other inventions finding inspiration through his work for our end of term Assessment where the year 1 cohort will put forward their own inventions. Year 1 have begun designing their inventions and will soon begin the 'prototyping' phase while we look forward to seeing the shearing handpiece in action next week! 

In Week 10, Year 1 will engage with a ‘Feather Celebration’ after having received enough feathers to overflow our tub! Feathers are received for actions of positive behaviour. Also in Week 10 will be the Merit Event for students who have received 60 merits through demonstrating academic achievement. Watch out on Compass for more details about both events.  

As always, please contact me through the school with any queries or concerns. 

Miss. Friend 


Year 2/3

In English we have been learning how to use figurative language in our writing and we are over the moon about how well it's going. Using these language devices is helping us to create interesting and imaginative pieces of writing. We are shining bright like diamonds. In Maths, we are focussing on measurement. We drew around each other on the concrete with chalk and looked at who was taller and shorter, we then measured with our feet to see if our estimates were correct. In History, we have been looking at technology from the past and how it has changed in the home and the community over time. We are learning touch football and netball skills in sport and focusing on working as a team and including everyone in our games. We have been fine tuning our drawing skills whilst preparing art works to display in the hall for SMArt and Drama night. Be sure to check them out when you come to watch all of the talented performers we have at this school.

Natalie Downey Year 2/3 Teacher


The Primary classes have had a busy, and exciting few weeks. We have all been busily preparing Smart & Drama Night performances for classes, choir and individual performances. We look forward to sharing it all with you next Wednesday 18th September. A reminder that there is a midday performance that parents and friends are welcome to join, as well as the 6:30pm evening performance – both are a gold coin donation to view. The evening performance will be videotaped, so please contact the school if you have issues with your children being videotaped for the evening performance.

We would like to thank the P & C for opening up the canteen and providing opportunities for refreshments during our Smart Night evening performance. Many people give up a lot of time to make these events happen, so please support this cause throughout the evening.

We have all had a focus for behaviour on following teacher instructions over the past two weeks. Teachers have to give hundreds of instructions each day, and while some students may not agree with specific instructions – there is always a reason for them being given. It’s essential that students follow instructions, and if they have questions, please ask them in a respectful manner. This will make our classrooms and playground areas more positive places.

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

5/6 Classroom

The year 5/6 class have begun new units in English based on Pip Harry’s novel August & Jones. This is the first time this novel has been taught at Boorowa Central, so our teaching staff are just as excited as the students. Throughout the unit we will explore character development, complex relationships between children and their parents, the challenges of starting a new school and also trying to ‘fit in’. This is a great novel that people of all ages should read. In Maths we are continuing our focus on fractions, decimals and percentages – and we are trying to find many different ways to include this learning into our every day lives. We are also exploring a complex unit of learning in PDHPE where we are exploring relationships, personal development, healthy living and changes. This can bring up some interesting questions, so please have open and honest conversations with your children.

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information:

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

‘Anything but a backpack day’

The SRC challenged students to ditch their backpacks for the day to raise funds for upgrading the Year 11 area, and the results were... well, let’s just say, ‘creative’ doesn't even begin to describe it.

Students strolled into school proudly hauling their books and lunchboxes in everything from a bread bag to bedside tables and one brave soul even used a kayak! It was an entertaining day and the students were enthusiastic.

The SRC had their work cut out for them, trying to choose the most innovative container. After all, how do you even compare a car tyre to a wok? In the end, we congratulate everyone who joined in on the fun. Hats off to the students (and their parents!) who no doubt spent some interesting moments brainstorming, testing, and maybe even negotiating what household item was about to become a "school bag."

Who knew raising money could come with so many laughs?

Certificates will be awarded to:

Kindergarten: Lawsyn - tonker truck Year 1: Hunter  - large plastic skull Year 2/3: Wally  - Gravy mix container Year 3/4: Finn  - tricycle with basket Year 4/5: Tahani  - bread bag & Maddyn - toolbox Year 5/6: Dempsee  - pram & Edie  – motor bike helmet Yindy: Oliver - box, Francis  - bag Year 6 on transition: Roarke  - blue cart Year 7: Noah  - car tyre Year 8: Tommy - wok Year 9: Fynn - guitar case Year 10: Tyler  - Tupperware Year 11: Bella  - kayak Hub: Lucus  - bedside table

Year 6 – 7 transition day 2

Day 2 of transition occurred on Wednesday this week. Students enjoyed making a key ring rack in Mandatory Tech with Mr Blomfield. Students displayed their practical skills and took home the finished product from their session.

Mrs Miller’s comments on her LOTE lesson where the students were introduced to Auslan :

"It was such a delight to meet the Year 6 students as they attended LOTE for the first time! Students quickly mastered the alphabet and then learned basic signs for colours, animals and transport! They caught on to signing with ease and were an absolute pleasure to teach."


Mr Flyght recalls his lesson with Year 6:

Year 6 had their first taste of the high school English classroom by putting their persuasive hats on and justifying their opinions on a range of highly controversial topics like 'Strawberries are the best fruit' and less controversial topics like 'Living in the country is better than living in the city.' Debates were heated as the merits of blackberries and pineapples were pitted against the ickiness of seeds on the outside or the out-of-left-field argument that strawberries were disqualified on the technicality that strawberries are actually a nut! Year 6 have demonstrated an aptitude for expressing their opinions and seem ready to jump to the big leagues next year!

Some Year 6 student’s reflection of the day:


Period 1 was very fun, we did Timber with Mr Blomfield and we got to make key holders. Period 2 was also a lot of fun when we did AUSLAN with Miss Miller and we learnt the alphabet, some colours, animals and numbers. Next we had RAGE with Miss Mahoney where she explained what we do for RAGE. Period 3 we had Mr Flyght for English and we did 'agree or disagree'. Period 4 and 5 we did Sport for 2 hours with Ms Bromfield, Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Jones.



For our Year 6 transition we had Timber, Lote, RAGE, English and Sport. Transition was overall very good with LOTE being my favourite. In LOTE we learnt AUSLAN and now we know the alphabet and some animals.



Yesterday in Transition we did Timber which was fun, and LOTE, RAGE, Sport and English. It was very fun and I can't wait until the next two transitions in December.



Yesterday was really fun. I learned how to do my name in AUSLAN, we did English with Mr Flyght and he is really funny. Then we did Sport and you could choose Fitness, Just Dance, All Sports and Footy.



We are looking forward to Year 6 joining us in the high school again in term 4 for the last two days of transition which are:

Day 3 – Thursday 5 December (Week 8A, Term 4)

Day 4 – Friday 6 December (Week 8A, Term 4)