Principal's Address

Canteen Manager change

Mrs Edwina Woodhead made the difficult decision to resign from her role as Canteen manager at Boorowa Central School. I thank her for her time at our school and wish her all the best with her future endeavours.

The new canteen manager, starting in Term 4, is Mrs Sammy Jansen. Sam joins us with years of experience in hospitality and enthusiasm to continue to grow the reach of the Boorowa Central School canteen. I look forward to working with Sam and watching her provide the high quality, delicious food options that our school has enjoyed for many years.

In Term 4, the canteen will be operating 3 days a week – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It is Sam’s aim to open the canteen 5 days a week in 2025.

As the canteen is P and C operated, they are always on the look out for parental volunteers to assist with food preparation and service. If you are interested in helping in the canteen on a regular or semi-regular basis, please contact the P and C by emailing


Central Schools sporting success

Congratulations to the students who represented Boorowa Central School at the Central Schools state finals last week at Dubbo. This calendar highlight was thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff alike and produced some excellent results.

The Open Boys Touch team achieved a Gold Medal, the Open Girls Touch team received a Silver Medal and the 14’s Boys Rugby League team also received a Silver Medal. Some fantastic results for our school.


SMArt and Drama night just around the corner

The schools annual SMArt and Drama night is being held on Wednesday 18 September 2024. The evening is a showcase of creative and performing arts with all Infants and Primary students plus a fair portion of Secondary students taking to the stage to wow the audience with their, singing, dancing, acting and performing skills.

Doors open at 6 for a 6.30pm start. Come along and enjoy the show.


Car Park access

The car park on the corner of Farm and Pudman Street has become a safety concern for students. Due to the condition of the ground, the movement of cars and the frequency of students moving through this space, I have made the decision to make this car park ‘staff only’.

I ask that parents and carers park on either Pudman or Farm Street and meet their children at the parent pick-up gate or at the pedestrian exit on Farm Street. If walking through the car park, please use the pedestrian access pathway on the northern side of the bollards.

Thank you for your cooperation with this matter.