From the Director of Curriculum

Mrs Chelsea Mouritz

MAT Maths Relay Southern Heat 2024


Sunday 22 September saw eight Year 7 and 8 students participate in the MAT Maths Relay Southern Heat 2024. Each team consisted of four students, accompanied by Mrs Jessica Veitch, the marker. 


The students were challenged with a series of math problems. For each problem, one of the four team members was the Runner, who stood next to the Marker while the other three students tackled the problem. The position of the runner was rotated by each member of the team.  


Both teams showed outstanding collaborative and problem-solving skills, deliberating over the assigned problems, and were strongly supported by their parents and the College.


Pictured above and below, our MAT Maths Relay competitors battling it out at the Southern Heat. 

PAT testing 

Year 8 and 9 students have been busy completing the standardised PAT testing by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). ACER is globally renowned for its work in assessment, educational research and products and services that improve learning.  


PAT assessments measure what students know, understand and are capable of across a range of domains. The testing supports the College in monitoring student progress from Prep to Year 10. Measuring a student's knowledge skills and understanding helps pinpoint where they are in their learning journey – and what they need in order to progress. 

Outdoor Education experiences

During Week 8, students from the Year 11 and 12 Outdoor Leadership and Outdoor Education courses spent two days in Fortescue Bay. The experiences focused on their negotiated projects as an element of their work requirements. Students challenged themselves with stand-up paddle boarding, snorkelling and a walk into Crescent Bay. Each student demonstrated skills of self-sufficiency, including preparing and cooking their meals.  


Furthermore, Year 9 and 10 Line 4 students experienced three nights away, based at Freycinet National Park, in Week 9. The students participated in various activities such as rock climbing, abseiling, bushwalking and a traverse of the Hazards Mountains. Returning on Friday afternoon, weary and exhausted, the students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn in the Tasmanian outdoors. 


The Line 6 students will commence their experience in Week 1 of Term 4. The Outdoor Education team are commended for their commitment to the organisation of such programs for the College.  


Families can save the Connect page as an app for easier access. Accessing your child's feedback is the same process as accessing marks on a PC. A post was shared on the Senior School Families page on Monday 23 September. Click here to access a training guide for accessing feedback.