From the Deputy Principal

Mrs Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

As Term 3 draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the diversity of learning opportunities that have occurred during timetabled lessons and beyond the school gates. These have included Retreat days, Athletic and Swimming Carnivals, Pillars experiences, Book Week and Science Week, On Country experiences and the First Nations camp, the College production, Tournament of Minds, Wellbeing Week, chess club, a multitude of sporting events – and more.


Thank you to the staff for preparing and facilitating these opportunities and to the students for their engagement. At the end of each term, we are encouraged to reflect on our achievements, celebrate our progress and look forward to the opportunities that lie ahead.  


As we transition into Term 4, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of finishing the year strong.  The Year 11 and 12 students will only have a few weeks of formal classes left before they head into exams, followed by the Year 10s. In fact, all students are encouraged to stay focused and committed to their studies. 


As we look forward to the holidays, I wish all students, their families and staff a restful and rejuvenating break, ready to return with renewed energy and enthusiasm for all future challenges and opportunities.


In recent weeks there have been ongoing reminders about uniform expectations.  Students are reminded that upon returning to school, they are expected to always adhere to the highest standard of correct uniform with attention to jewellery and piercings. The holiday break is an ideal time to check the length of skirts and dresses as they are to be worn just before or at the knee. Please view our College Uniform Guidelines and Uniform Handbook for more detailed information on our uniform policy. 


School will resume for all students on Tuesday 15 October