DSM - Defence Student Mentor

Term 4 Program
St Mary’s, St Joseph’s and Crib Point Primary School
A Grant through DVA Mental Health Week will be used by the DSM team at the three schools. The Grant was approved under the criteria of social connectedness. We plan to promote this through social connections (both students and families) and craft activities.
After the overwhelming success of our 2023 Poppy Project, we decided to continue with the theme.
Our 2024 project will focus on the importance of animals in the ADF and the roles they perform and therefore our poppies will be purple to signify the animals.
Most people are unaware that, as well as the traditional red poppy worn to mark the Armistice Day of 11 November 1918, there is also the purple poppy, remembering animals that died during conflict.
A purple wreath for Remembrance Day will be made for each school, to be used for Remembrance Day services at schools with their red wreath from 2023. The wreaths will be purple felt poppies.
The poppies will be constructed by students during designated Defence sessions, and a combined schools and families event at the Poppy Project session at Cerberus Community Hub on Monday 21st October 4-5pm. We will enjoy some Purple Cup Cakes. All Defence Force Families are invited to attend on this day. More details to come.