Dogs Connect Program

Thank you Rotary Club of Hastings Western Port!
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Rotary Club of Hastings Western Port for their very generous donation of $1000 towards sponsoring the implementation of the Dogs Connect Wellbeing Program at St Mary's.
This program, which has successfully introduced wellbeing dogs in over 400 schools across Australia, aims to achieve as many mental health benefits as possible, as well as improve student learning outcomes through the therapeutic presence of a permanent wellbeing dog in our school community.
Miss Dullard represented St Mary's and presented to the club about the Dogs Connect Wellbeing Program at their meeting on Monday 16th September. Pictured with some of the members, from left to right; Heather Browning, President, Kerri Parker, Secretary, Jeff Harvey, member of Rotary Club Hastings for over 50 years!, Miss Dullard and Derryck Rees, Treasurer.