Year 2/3

Home Inquiry
Mathematics: Create a list of things that you could measure with a ruler or measuring tape.
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.
Inquiry: Think about the properties of natural things this week, such as sand, dirt, grass, wood, etc. Can you create a list of potential properties / features?
Learning this week:
Literacy: Jolly Spelling: Year 2 sound focus this week is: ou. The Year 3 sound focus this week is: a = ar. Below are the two lists of words we will be using at school to practise the sounds with.
Year 2 - ou | Year 3 – a=ar | |
snap swam loud cloud found now crowd sunflower seventy eighty | ask vase lava bath nasty sultana chance koala drama | plaster pyjamas disaster piranha basketball avocado armada passport grasshopper |
Year 2 Key: underlined = revision words; bold = high frequency words
Learning this week:
Writer’s Workshop: We will continue our next writing study focusing on expanding our vocabulary. We will explore the Parts of Speech throughout this unit: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and more...
Mathematics: We will continue learning about measurement this week, including mass, capacity and length.
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue our unit of inquiry: Sharing the Planet on Properties. The central idea is: Understanding properties and features allows us to see things more effectively.
Year 2 Camp - is at AFL Max, West Beach, from Tuesday 19th November until Wednesday 20th November. More details will be sent home before the end of term.
Please communicate with your child’s teacher if you have any questions about the Camp.
We have now met our required number of adults for camp. Thankyou.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher