
Service and Humility
This week in Chapel, we are looking forward to the opportunity to learn about Mark 9: 35 - 37 in more detail. Mark is one of the book in the bible that tells us about Jesus life and ministry on Earth. It reads:
Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”
The disciples had just travelled to the town of Capernum, and on the way there they had had an argument between them about who would be the greatest disciple, who was more likely to be favoured by Jesus. Jesus has been teaching them about the coming of the kingdom of God and they expected to have an exalted place in that kingdom, based on their service to Jesus now.
In response, Jesus sits down with them to share with them about the true path to greatness – which is very different than what people in the world think! Jesus reminds us that the world can often see 'greatness' as putting ourselves forward to be recognised, or clawing our way to the top while pushing others down, or being arrogant and self-focused – He reminds us that in God's kingdom we become great by lowering ourselves and being the last of all. If being great in the world means being served by others – in God's Kingdom being great means serving others.
In Biblical times, children were not held in the same high regard as they are today. They had no power or social status and were often considered as lowly and last. So Jesus embraces the child. A simple act of love; the giving of attention and affection. Jesus is saying, “This is what I’m talking about.”
Dear Lord, thank you for the reminder that you give us of true greatness sitting in giving ourselves over in service to others and to yourself. We pray that we would only seek 'kingdom greatness', and avoid worldly thoughts over who has the most status and who should be recognised. We pray that you will raise us up at the right time, and that we could continue to give ourselves over to service and leave the agenda of recognition in God’s hands. Amen.
Will Wallace