Student Wellbeing News


Within us all is a subliminal desire to belong. It is a fundamental human need that involves feeling accepted and supported by a group of like-minded people. It's a strong feeling that can impact a person's physical, emotional, and psychological health. This year we are using the wellbeing platform to create opportunities and build on experiences that enhances that sense of belonging here at MCC, ultimately supporting our wellbeing and mental health.

MCC has always had a popular games group that was available to students during lunch breaks. Supervised by staff who generously gave up their lunchbreak to provide a safe, inclusive environment for students from all year groups. During 2024 we introduced a Lego group at MCC which proved very popular and provided an opportunity for people to be creative and access an alternate to what was already available to the students. This year, we have taken the opportunity to join the 2 activities and relocate to the back area of the library. Again, this is only possible with thanks to the generosity of staff who not only supervise but have also donated additional games. Although early days, the feedback received from both students and staff has been extremely popular. 

Available each lunchtime (unless there is a MCC community event happening) students have access to old favourites such as chess, cards, UNO, checkers, dominos and have welcomed some new games. In addition, there is now access to mindfulness activities and of course, the Lego station is still available.

All students are welcome BUT are reminded to please remember as there is no food permitted in the library to ensure they have their lunch first. 

One of the most positive observations that I have is many students are attending as an individual and although initially they may not have known anyone else in the group, they are immediately made to feel welcomed and invited to join in a game. Some people still choose to be an observer and just enjoy being in the “space” and that is perfectly ok as well. Students are mentoring others in the finer art of complex games such as chess and others are sharing traditional games or learning new games and developing confidence and improving their social skills.

A suggestion box is available for students to share their thoughts and I am very excited about the opportunities available for the students and the future of the group.

If you would like further information regarding the games group or would like your child to attend and they are initially apprehensive, please don’t hesitate to contact their pastoral leader or myself directly and we can support them to attend.


2025 has also seen some changes to our MCC year 11 mental health advocates “2025 MCC Wellbeing Team”. This group was formally referred to as a committee, however the subtle change to team aligns with the acronym “Together Everyone Achieves More” referring to the value and importance of each individual member’s[SH1]  contribution when working towards achieving a common goal. This year we have had an incredible amount of interest from the students and this has allowed us to have 3 separate subgroups working simultaneously focusing on a passion project (a subject or objective that they feeling passionate about) for the term. 

With over 40 students expressing interest in joining, the 2025 team consists of students who have joined for a range of reasons including~ 

  • Social justice, equity and inclusion
  • Passion or personal experience of family/friends experiencing mental ill-health
  • Be part of a great initiative, lasting legacy at MCC
  • Career pathway
  • Opportunities to be actively involved at MCC for future goals (leadership, early entry for Uni)


Each student has the opportunity to contribute to the activities in a manner that they feel comfortable doing; albeit demonstrating their strength or allowing for skill development in areas that they may identify as being an area they would like to improve upon. Regardless, their contribution is valued and an integral part of working collaboratively as part of a team to achieve amazing things not only within MCC but also the wider community.

This term our MCC 2025 Wellbeing Team are focusing on~

  • International Women’s Day
  • National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
  • Identifying strategies to encourage males to engage with, and access supports. This will be an ongoing focus for the year.

More details regarding the activities will be including in the next newsletter and each activity links in with additional initiatives throughout the year. 

Certainly, exciting times ahead in the wellbeing space at MCC and I look forward to working with a very enthusiastic group of young adults who are embracing their new role and advocating for positive wellbeing and good mental health.

Have a great week and as we say goodbye to summer (YAY) and welcome the arrival of autumn I am reminded how change is inevitable and time moves very quickly so embrace all that is good and be grateful, do not allow the negatives or worries in our life to take up residence in our minds as they soon will become a thing of the past. Enjoy each day.



Sue Hone 

MCC Student Wellbeing Support Worker