
Students are well engaged in their learning and are having some wonderful experiences in the labs. Teachers are busy developing exceptional pedagogy to help students on their learning journey at MCC so we are all on the same road 


We offer Mrs McIntosh our best wishes, as she has an operation on Monday. Mrs Geddes will be helping us out in the lab while Mrs McIntosh recuperates. 


Year 7, who have started the new curriculum, are using the microscopes and the equipment to explore their world. They are about to look skywards to explore the solar system. Year 7 is always a lovely year, as students make a fresh start at a new school and have an opportunity to build a positive reputation with kind and respectful relationships. This is where they learn how to be thoughtful, caring and kind adults with Jesus as a role model. 

Year 8 are into the rock melons. Thanks go to the Armanini family who grow the rock melons in Yoogali.  Students are completing a practice depth study, harvesting seeds, researching rock melon characteristics and the growing needs.  Students have started planting their seeds to measure some growth. This is the pre- learning experience for teaching the working scientifically skills that they will need for their assessment coming up for the end of the term.


Year 9 are also doing the new curriculum with their unit on Energy. They are in the lab connecting circuits with series and parallel connections. This is a study which leads into the senior physics course for those who are thinking of a future in Physics, Engineering or a trade as an Electrician.


Year 10 have been notified of their first assessment. The science department will focus on persuasive writing techniques this year and so Year 10 will prepare a persuasive text, stating their opinion on some of the genetic engineering biotechnology being used and developed at the moment. It is a great opportunity to think for themselves and question the evidence they have to support their opinion.    

Year 11 Biology students had a sugar filled lesson where they created their own Fluid Mosaic Model with different lollies and chocolates! The students very quickly put together their experimental design to rip into the packets of food… by the end of the lesson models were complete and demolished and there was nothing left to clean up.


Year 11 Chemistry students have started their study of Allotropes. Meanwhile, they examined the claims on the Nutri Grain packet to see if they could separate the iron that was supposed to be in an 80g serve. Strong magnets were used but so far only a few specks of iron, nothing near the claim. They will keep trying and practice the percentage composition calculations.


Year 12 Biology students have completed an assessment where they demonstrated their working scientifically skills and laboratory skills while becoming very familiar with some bacteria.  



Hopefully the hot weather will disappear soon and we will be able to enjoy the spectacular colours of autumn especially the delightful flowering pear trees around the border of the College.

Best wishes


Esther Dumbleton ( Science Leader of Learning) and the science team:

Mrs Fields, Mrs Morrison, Mrs Fletcher, Mrs Dhanoa, Mr Marshall, Mr Symmes, Mr Kulkarni and Mr Channa, Mrs McIntosh and Mrs Geddes