Sports News

The MCC Swimming Carnival was held on Friday the 21st February. It was great to see such a fantastic turn out of both students and parents. 

Students participated with great enthusiasm and House spirit.

We were lucky enough to have the time to announce the Age Champions. 

Congratulations to the following:

13 Boys - Jai Spiers

13 Girls - Greta Ruggeri

14 Boys - Blake Salvestro

14 Girls - Eliza Brewer

15 Boys - Dean Preuss

15 Girls - Ella Sinclair

16 Boys - Alex Melville

16 Girls - Gemma Lynch

Opens Boys - Ben Sinclair

Opens Girls - Alana Restagno

The winning House was Patrick!

2nd - Brendan

3rd - McAuley

4th - Marcellin


A big congratulations to all those who broke school records.

Those who made BISSA Swimming it will be held in Week 6, 6th March in Wagga Wagga, keep an eye out for Compass, your child’s name will be in the event over the weekend & if you wish to attend you need to consent & make payment, if not decline the event. There will be a limit of 25 students on the College bus.

I would like to say thank you to all parents who attended and were able to assist, your support is greatly appreciated. I would also like to say thank you to all the dedicated staff of MCC for making the day possible.

What’s coming up:

Week 6: NRL Referee Course @ MCC, BISSA Swimming & Diocesan Gala Day Netball in Wagga

Week 7: Diocesan Opens Football Gala Day @ Collina Oval

Week 8: Fifita Cup

Week 9: Fifita Cup & AFL 15s trials

Week 10: Diocesan Touch Football & Tennis Gala days in Wagga

Good luck to those representing MCC!


Nadine Johns

Sports Coordinator 

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