Principal News
Dr Penny Ludicke
Principal News
Dr Penny Ludicke
I think none of us can believe that it is the end of Week 5 already and we are almost at the halfway point of this term! So many different events and activities have occurred since the students returned. You will find a plethora of information in the pages of this newsletter from our Learning, Sport, Pastoral and Counselling Staff, which I am sure will be of interest. There are also a number of different items I would like to highlight today which you will find under the headings below.
The College Captains Ben Sinclair and Elise Munro attended Griffith Council Student Leadership Ceremonies on Wednesday 26th and were presented to Mayor Councillor Doug Curran, Mrs Mrs Helen Dalton- MP for Murray, Councillors, Jayne Gill Director of Educational Leadership Griffith, School Leaders and the Griffith Community.
The young leaders met their peers and Principals from all primary and secondary schools in Griffith including new Principal for St Patrick’s School-Ms Eva Tarchichi and Mrs Annette Reginato from St Mary’s Yoogali. Also attending the event as a special guest speaker was Year 12 leader Shirine Nehme in her role as a representative of Griffith Youth Advisory Group. Shirine gave an inspirational address and account of her work supporting young people from all regions of New South Wales.
Peer support leaders, House Captains and Prefects have all been very active and busy these weeks, fundraising, cheering at the swimming carnival and demonstrating leadership across a range of forums.
The attendance and participation from our students at the Marian Swimming Carnival on Friday 21 was phenomenal! Congratulations to all student champions and those placing in the age events! Well done to Patrick House on taking the cup! Our sincere best wishes and good luck now to all students representing the College next week at BSSA. A warm thank you to Mrs Nadine Johns and all staff, volunteers and parents supporting the organisation and the events on the day and to the Regional Aquatic Centre for their support.
In partnership with the Catholic Council of School Parents, Marian Catholic College is excited to announce that we will be hosting a presentation by celebrated author, TV presenter and parenting, relationships and wellbeing expert Dr Justin Coulson!
This event will be free of charge, and hosted by Marian in the Marcellin Hall on Wednesday 7th of May from 6-7.30 pm. Registration details will be shared via a ticketing/registration system-stay tuned for more information soon!
It is that time of year again and on Thursday, the Marian Leadership team and members of staff held the 2026 Year 7 Presentation Evening. Thank you to all those who attended. There was a very large turnout last night. A big thank you to Mrs Segrave for her superb organisation and presentation and to Mr Herb for his insightful presentation on the night. Thanks also to other leaders present, our attending parents and Year 6 students and all those supporting behind the scenes.
Parents are reminded that to enrol students for 2026, to go to our online tab at the top of the webpage to find all the information and forms. Year 6 students have opportunities to participate in the Marian Transition Program each term to gain a taste of life at Marian. Parents will also need to complete the online enrolment applications before interviews can be scheduled in Term 2.
For parents and students seeking information on subjects and course and assessment requirements for Stage 5, Prelim and HSC Studies, the information is now published in the Assessment Booklets under the Learning and Teaching Tab, along with information on Assessment and Reporting and other important learning information.
School Behaviour Expectations for Learning and Wellbeing and the College Anti Bullying Procedures are found under the Our School Tab, in Policies and Documents, along with other important school and system policies and guidelines.
Dr Penny Ludicke