Malgobila News -           

Years 10,11 & 12

phone: 5150 4823

Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10th March
Careers Incursion - Guest SpeakersWednesday 12th March 
Career Expo - Melbourne Thursday 20th March
Cross CountryWednesday 2nd April
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 3rd April and Friday 4th April

Senior Level Assemblies

On Monday 3rd March, all senior year levels held Assemblies in Forge Theatre.  Well done to the all the Leaders, Captains and Mentors who were presented with their badges at these assemblies.

Year 10 Leaders Year 11 Leaders
Melissa Emily
Grace Alya 
Year 10 Mentors Music Leaders 
JakobMusic Captains - Juliette and Patrick 
Kodi Senior Band Leaders  - Cooper and Cody
AshSwing Band Leader - Henry
Winter Strings Leader - Naomi
House Captains  
Bogong Cody and Tully
CurlipTahlia-Rose and Lily
Dargo Chloe and Lilly
TanjilRita and Kane
Tambo Alex and Sharu 
Tarra Izzy and Mackenzy

Year 12 had an Elevate session called Ace Your Exams. This was about effective study requirements, attendance and upcoming events.


 The Year 10 and Year 11 assemblies included information about careers, work experience, up and coming incursions and excursions, VCE Administration, Kokoda scholarship application and Formal.  

2025 Rural Youth Ambassador

Year 10 student Thomas has been selected by the Country Education Partnership as a 2025 Rural Youth Ambassador. Country Education Partnership (CEP) developed the Rural Youth Ambassadors program to provide young people within rural communities the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and be a voice for rural education. 


Thomas will attend a series of Rural Youth Ambassador Forums in Melbourne throughout the year where he’ll discuss challenges in rural education and propose solutions by meeting with Government personnel and key stakeholders. Thomas will also join the College Student Representative Council to engage with our School Leaders to get their perspective on rural education. 


We are looking forward to hearing about Thomas’ journey and know he will do an excellent job representing our community. 

Year 11 Business Management excursion

Last Friday 28th February, the Year 11 Business Management classes went to Picnic Point Orchard to learn about their motivations for starting their business, how they use innovation in the orchard and what challenges they have faced as a business. Thank you very much to Mary and the staff of the Orchard and Grant for helping on both excursions.  

Study Sessions  

Study sessions (3.15pm-4.30 pm) are up and running again! Wednesday (English) and Thursday (Maths).  All students are welcome to attend the study sessions in the LRC. Teachers are available to provide students with assistance. 

Gippsland East Study Hub 

Who can register? All local TAFE and VCE students

People studying at any Australian university

Students based in East Gippsland and Wellington shires.

What are the benefits?

  • Access to high-speed internet, computers, printing, video conferencing and podcasting spaces
  • Help from Learning Skills Advisors, access to study resources, academic workshops and social events throughout the year
  • Private, group and open plan study spaces
  • Connection with other students, even if you study remotely

Gippsland East Study Hub


Driving to school?

Are you a student driving to school? Please come to the Hub and collect a Permission to Drive to School Request Form. It must be signed by a Parent/Carer and a copy of the licence will be put on file. Please click on the button below to read our Student Driver Policy.