Wurrin News - Year 8

email:   year8@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4888

Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10th March
Year 8 Resilience campWeek of Monday 17th March
Cross CountryWednesday 2nd April
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 3rd April and Friday 4th April

Year 8 students are settling well into their new space, embracing all the opportunities that have come their way. From exciting class practicals, incursions and a fantastic day at the swimming sports, there's been plenty to keep them engaged and active. A highlight has also been the opening of our new Inclusion Space, providing a welcoming environment for all students to connect and feel supported. With such a positive start, we look forward to the remaining half of the term. 

Camp Notice 

Please be aware that if your student does not attend camp, they will be required to attend school as normal.


Swimming Sports 

Flynn, Hayden, Izieaha
Flynn, Hayden, Izieaha
Harrison, Fletcher
Harrison, Fletcher


Year 8 students around our College

Oscar & Robbie
Ruby & Ruby
Oscar & Robbie
Ruby & Ruby


Emilio & Henry
8N Incursion
Emilio & Henry
8N Incursion