Wargomerrin - Year 7

email:   year7@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4818

Labour Day Public HolidayMonday 10th March
NAPLANWednesday 12th March to Monday 24th March
Cross CountryWednesday 2nd April
Parent teacher conferencesThursday 3rd April and Friday 4th April


NAPLAN 2025: Key Information


Preparation for NAPLAN 2025 is well underway. NAPLAN is a series of assessments for all Year 7 and 9 students across Australia, designed to monitor student progress in literacy and numeracy. It is not a pass-or-fail test but provides valuable insights into student growth, curriculum effectiveness, and the quality of teaching and learning at our College.


This year NAPLAN will take place in Term 1, from Wednesday 12th March to Monday 24th March 2025.


While participation is expected, parents and carers have the option to withdraw their child from NAPLAN testing for religious, philosophical, or educational reasons. If you are considering withdrawal, please contact the College as soon as possible to discuss the process and complete the necessary paperwork.


For more information, parents and carers can refer to the attached brochure or visit the official NAPLAN website:


🔗 NAP - Home

🔗 NAPLAN Information for Parents and Carers


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the College.


Highlighting 7A

Ms Norling and 7A
Ms Norling and 7A

7A have settled into school life at our College beautifully. Highlights to date have been the Summit Camp where all who went had a fantastic time. Apparently, the Giant Swing was the big winner for most of the students. Creating a positive class culture has ‘been a dream’ with the students of 7A as they are already positive people who have worked hard to get to know each other. They come to class organised, are respectful to staff and each other, and want to learn. It is very enjoyable being one of their teachers. 




In maths we have been mainly focussed on reviewing basic number skills and learning how to ‘do Secondary school’ maths.  Some assessments have begun, and students are approaching these positively and showing how they solve problems. Practicing their times tables has occurred through the use of games like Blooket and 99Maths. 

Jessie and Sunny
Jessie and Sunny




In Food Technology, 7A students have learned about being safe in the kitchen and how to follow instructions. Last week they learned how to measure accurately with their measuring spoons, measuring cups and measuring jugs. The students made spiced apple muffins this week and they had to apply numerous quantities of ingredients to be measured. One group got confused between a ¼ teaspoon and a ¼ cup. This group used a ¼ cup for their baking soda and learned by appearance and sensory analysis what a huge difference this made. The apple muffins imploded, and it had a very overpowering baking soda taste. A lot of students wanted to taste their muffins, and this made a great learning experience for the whole class. There were lots of conversations on how one ingredient can make such a huge difference. The other students shared their muffins with this group, showing kindness to their peers.

Jessie and Luke
Jessie and Luke
Declan and Hollie
Kaycie and Darcy
Ahlia, Kye and Dustin
Analeigh,Reine and Jackson
Declan and Hollie
Kaycie and Darcy
Ahlia, Kye and Dustin
Analeigh,Reine and Jackson





7A were busy cooking pasta to determine which pasta shapes would absorb more water. The students used Bunsen burners to boil the water and cook their pasta. Students are seen here measuring their water for the experiment.




7A has had a flying start to 2025 with Fitness Tests being conducted in Physical Education and Healthy Lifestyles being studied in Health. Some of the fitness tests students have participated in are the beep test, vertical jump, sit and reach, grip strength and agility run. These tests, and more, are used to benchmark their fitness components, flag areas for improvement and be completed again at the end of the year to aim for some personal bests. 


In Health, students have been learning about various factors that contribute to living a healthy lifestyle. So far, we have covered topics of nutrition and sleep. 7A has been a pleasure to work with inside and outside of the classroom. They've created a positive learning environment and great culture - keep up the awesome work 7A! 





7A has been exploring exaggerated actions in preparation for their first performance task in Drama.  Students have used the techniques of Mime such as exaggerated facial expressions and creating the illusion of weight and resistance. Pictured here you can see them participating a game call ‘Inanimate object argument,’ and ‘The Heavy Box’. 


The Smith Family Learning for Life program