
College Office hours

Monday to Friday 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

Student Broadband Initiative

The School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) has been extended to offer eligible students and households free broadband internet at home until Friday 30 June 2028.


About the initiative

Led by the National Broadband Network (NBN), the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) is a Federal Government initiative offering free home internet to 30,000 eligible households with school-aged students.


Families and carers currently connected to the NBN network through SSBI will have their connection automatically extended with their participating internet provider until 30th June 2028.


For new families the services commence from the time the service is activated with the internet provider. Note that other household members can use the internet services provided by the initiative.


When the program reaches the cap of 30,000 services connected, no further nominations will be accepted, and any unredeemed vouchers will become invalid.


After the free period, households will not be placed on a paid service without consent. The government will explore options for what happens to services beyond the end date in 2028.



To be eligible for SSBI, families must:

  • have a child living at home who is enrolled in an Australian school (up to year 12 including Prep)
  • not have an active NBN network internet service at home (excludes mobile internet services)
  • live in a premises that can access the NBN network via a standard connection (NBN will confirm this)
  • not have had an active NBN connection during the previous 14 days.

How to get started

To be assessed, contact NBN National Referral Centre on 1800 954 610 or visit to request a call back.

Please note:

  • NBN will check your nominated home address for an active NBN connection.
  • You do not need to provide financial information.
  • Translation and interpretation services are available.


Log into your Compass Account/APP for news, report Absences, Reports, Excursion Permissions and pay contributions. Contact Administration if you need setting up or a reset password. page has a links to login from their webpage or to download the 'Compass School Manager' App from the relevant App stores.



Collecting students during the day

Reminder to parents and carers that a note must be provided to students for them to give to their teacher when they are to meet you at reception at a specific time for collection during the school day.


Please note that students can only be collected by parents/carers/family listed as Family or Emergency Contacts.  Authorisation from the primary parents/carers must be provided for another person to collect your student from school.


If you have an urgent message for your student regarding issues such as alternative school pick up arrangements, the Administration Team are more than happy to pass the message to your student.

Bairnsdale Secondary College Website

Our website is packed with useful links and information for Parents/carers and students.

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