
Swimming carnival

The College Swimming Carnival was a huge success with large numbers of students attending on the day, participating and having a joyous time in what turned out to be beautiful weather. Tarra House were the overall winners on the day with Curlip coming in second by 13 points. As a qualifying event for the district swimming, many took it seriously by pushing themselves all the way to post fantastic times and results. The day was supported by VM students who cooked up a delicious BBQ for the hungry revellers, as well as the house captains who helped with different duties on the day. It is our goal to find ways of making the carnival more inclusive for all, and have had plenty of constructive feedback following the event. Look out 2026!


East Gippsland Swimming

Last Thursday 27th February saw our Swimming team travel to Orbost to compete for district bragging rights. Our students competed in a wide range of distances and styles with varying success, winning a number of races and placing very well in the relay freestyle and medley teams. Some students qualified to swim up to 7 races on the day, which was great to see a few pull it off. But for those that swam just one or two, we were equally as proud of their efforts. Nine individual athletes progressed, and numerous relay teams are heading to Sale for the Gippsland Championships next Thursday. Special thanks to Hannah, Izzy and Lillyarna helping as place judges on the day.

Mountain Biking

Students from Bairnsdale Secondary College competed in the Victorian Downhill Series participating in races at Mt Taylor, Barjarg, Mt Major, Mt Beauty and Mt Baw Baw. The Victorian Downhill Series (VDHS) is Victoria’s premiere downhill mountain bike race series. It provides a pathway to national and international racing for junior riders. Downhill mountain bike racing requires fitness, skill, resilience and technical ability. Races are held on short courses usually three to five minutes long with hard technical features such as drops, rock gardens and jumps. 


Students Ruby (Year 8), Charlie (Year 9), Rylan (Year 9), Kody (Year 9) and Tully (Year 11) competed in the series. Ruby competed in the girls U15 category. Charlie, Rylan and Kody all competed at Mt Taylor and Mt Baw Baw in the U17 category, a highly competitive category. Tully competed in the U19 category. Ruby competed at Mt Taylor, Mt Major, and placed third at Barjarg. Ruby tackled the track at Barjarg, one of the toughest in the series, with great skill and determination not crashing once during practice or qualifying. Rylan qualified and placed 24th at Mt Taylor and 23rd at Mt Baw Baw, a great result given there were almost 90 competitors in the age category. Tully raced at Mt Taylor, Mt Beauty, Mt Major, and Mt Baw Baw qualifying at Mt Beauty, Mt Major and Mt Baw Baw but unfortunately crashed out during his race runs.