Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,
Here we are at the end of Week 6 and 4 weeks left in Term 1. It has been a great term full of quality events, excursions and learning.
Our students are settling well into classes, great results are being achieved, and students are being the best they can be. Students have been engaging in activities that contribute to their learning in a different way to that in the classrooms. It is an absolute privilege to be part of our Bairnsdale Secondary College of nearly 1500 people. Our College provides a place for our students to learn and thrive and givesevery opportunity for students to achieve their dreams.
This week our 2025 student leaders attended the State GRIP Leadership conference in Melbourne. It was a very early start for students and staff leaving the bus loop at 4.45 am. The feedback has been extremely positive and that it was worth getting up early to be involved in the various workshops and conferences. Congratulations to everyone involved, you represented our College well and we are proud of you.
In week 8 our Year 8 students head to Coolamatong for their Resilience Camp. This is a great opportunity for our staff and students to work together to develop stronger relationships and to participate in workshops with the Reach Foundation. The workshops are designed to build resilience and respect for each other and our differences. The students also get to participate in a number of other activities including kayaking, abseiling and bush cooking. Consent is due tonight on the Compass App.
Many Bairnsdale Secondary College students have been participating in a number of regional sporting events. Please head to the sports page of this newsletter to read about our students competing at the East Gippsland Swimming carnival in Orbost and the Mountain Bike Victorian Downhill Series. Congratulations to all the students involved in these events. You did yourselves and our College proud.
In the coming weeks our College will be participating in an Alignment review. This is a new process designed to assess that the plans, strategies and actions that our College is engaging in are in fact the right places to put our energy and effort.
Through the week of March 17th to 21st we will have a team of people in our College gathering insights and information to provide us with feedback about where we need to focus our efforts.
As part of the review, we will be having parent focus group meetings, and we invite all parents to be involved. Please keep an eye out on Compass next week for more details around when the meetings will take place. It is a great opportunity to have input into shaping the future of our College.
We look forward to participating in this review and the opportunity to improve our practice to ensure the best outcomes for our students.
Enjoy your long weekend.
Tony Roberts