News from the Specialist Team

Meet the Specialist Team
News from Environmental Science and Sustainability
My name is Lindy McManus and I am the Environmental Science and Sustainability teacher. I work with all year levels from Prep to 6, which is a first, and we are all very excited about the year ahead.
Commencing in the next newsletter in a fortnight’s time, we will have a Sustainability page which can be accessed via a link. We will have updates on our garden, our recycling, our progress in the Resource Smart Schools program with Sustainability Victoria, and all the other fun and exciting things we do in our program.
Upcoming Events
Friday 1st March is Schools Clean Up Australia Day and once we have allocated areas and/or locations to year levels, you will receive an invitation to join in the clean up with us.
Below is information about a wonderful event being held in Brighton, Recycle Regatta, next to the pier on Sunday 17th March:
Recycle Regatta, in Brighton Harbour, will be held right next to the Middle Brighton Pier. This event is like the Birdman Rally, only in boats made from cardboard and plastic bottles. It will be lots of fun and they would love our students and families to get involved and enter. Participants design and build their boats and paddle them around an approx. 70metre course. The aim is to still be afloat at the end of the race, but many sink and that is all part of the fun of the event.
The funds raised go towards helping secondary schools deliver the TEEN Mental Health First Aid Program to their students.
Here is a link to follow to an introduction to the event and also a flyer below. It would be wonderful to see families from BPS joining in the fun 😊
Recycle Regatta Organising Committee
Brighton North Rotary Club – VIC
M: 0400 120 822
Physical Education
What is Team Vic?
Parents and students might be interested in researching one of the benefits afforded to Beaumaris Primary School through our association with School Sport Victoria.
The Team Vic program offers a unique pathway for elite sportspeople to find further challenges and connections in their preferred sport. Some of the sports (see below) have cut off dates approaching soon. Prior to 2023 there was a requirement to secure an endorsement from the school before submitting an application but that is no longer the case. You are now only required to let the school know of your intention to apply. SSV will inform the school of the applications submitted to them and, where SSV has imposed a quota on entries, will ask us to trial students to ensure we only endorse up to the maximum number allowed.
The website below will provide further information on the Team Vic program.
The School Sport Victoria (SSV) Team Vic representative program provides a development platform for Victoria’s emerging student athletes to participate in the annual School Sport Australia (SSA) Championships. SSV coordinates the selection process for Team Vic teams in partnership with relevant state sporting organisations.
Please read the Team Vic Information Sheet on the sport page before registering. This document contains important information on the SSV Team Vic Program, in relation to eligibility, registration, multiclass, selection, participation costs, and financial assistance.
Team Vic Sport and Registration Key Dates
Please read the Team Vic Principal Endorsement process for the following teams in 2024:
- Australian Football 12 Years and Under Boys
- Basketball 12 Years and Under Girls
- Basketball 12 Years and Under Boys
- Cricket 12 Years and Under Boys
- Football (Soccer) 12 Years and Under Boys
- Netball 12 Years and Under Girls
If you are unable to find answers to your questions on the SSV website please contact the PE staff at school.
Hockey Victoria Roadshow
We are excited to welcome the Hockey Victoria Roadshow to our school! This week Year 4 and 6 had sessions with Hockey Victoria, and next Tuesday, Year 2 and some of Year 3 will also have a session.
Students are being given the fantastic opportunity to try out the exciting game of hockey! They will learn the skills of the game through exciting game-based activities suited to every year level and ability.
Hockey Victoria will be sending their amazing Participation Officers to our school in the coming weeks to provide an engaging, fun, and safe hockey experience for everyone.
At Hockey Victoria they pride themselves in providing an enjoyable experience for every student, so keep an eye out and see if you can spot one of their coaches at school soon!
If you enjoy the sessions during school, you can continue with your hockey experience by joining a local Hookin2Hockey program With programs all over the state you can find a local program that will suit your schedule.
Visual Arts
Please ensure your child has a NAMED smock for art lessons. Art smocks remain in a basket in each classroom and brought to the art room each week for their lesson. If your child does not have an art smock, they can be purchased via Primary School Wear.
Alternatively, art smocks can also be purchased from Kmart, Target, Big W, any craft store… Or even an old oversized shirt from home is fine too!