What's Happening

What’s Happening in Prep: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Prep
The Prep teachers are extremely proud of the way the students have transitioned into their first year of school. They have shown great resilience entering the classroom each morning and are learning how to navigate school life more and more each day. Some highlights have been spending time with our Year 6 Buddies, finding the Green Sheep (they even got to spend time in Mr Tapp’s office!) and Developmental Play. To assist us with personalising our learning space, we would appreciate it if all families could please send their child along to school with a family photo, to be displayed in the Prep corridor. Thank you in advance.
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Prep
- Continuing to practice our class norms
- Beginning to look at and identify various emotions
- Introducing the Zones of Regulation
- Identifying short vowel sounds /a/ apple, /e/ egg, /i/ itchy, /o/ olive and /u/ up
- Identifying the consonant phonemes /s/ sock, /m/ man and /t/ tap
- Reading various picture story books and practising the key skill of predicting to guess what might happen
- Beginning to become ‘Independent Readers’ by pointing to the words as we read them
- Introducing the first set of Memory Words ‘Sapphire Memory Words’
- Recognising and writing the 5 main vowels ‘a, e, i o and u’ and consonants ‘s, m, t’
- Practising writing our names using the correct letter formation for both upper- and lower-case letters
- Practising carefully counting groups of objects up to 20
- Naming and describing 2D shapes
Big Question: How might we reuse and recycle products?
Over the next fortnight, students will be exploring the following lines of inquiry:
- How do we recycle?
- Why do people work as a team?
In Prep, students receive a reading pouch with the expectation that they practise their reading at home. Within each pouch there are many resources to help consolidate your child's learning from the classroom. This includes; take home readers (books), Sound pack cards (phonics), and a workbook containing memory words and decodable words. More information regarding the information above will be sent home with your child's reading pouch next week.
Family photo - If you haven’t done so already, please send your child along with their Art smock. These stay at school for the year. Wednesdays are rest days (not at school) unless your child is booked in for their one-on-one assessment with their classroom teacher. Please check your allocated date/time. If you have misplaced your notice handed out at the end of 2023, please get in touch with your classroom teacher.
Year 1
What’s Happening in Year 1: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 1
The students have had a great start to Year 1. We have spent the first two weeks reconnecting with our peers and completing fun activities to get to know each other. A highlight has been trying new things in Developmental Play and our new specialist subject - Environmental Science.
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 1
- Developing class norms to ensure a safe and secure classroom environment for all
- Revisiting the Zones of Regulation
- Revise learnt reading strategies
- Introduce Reader’s Workshop
- Introduce the 6+1 writing traits
- Investigate the ‘Word Choice’ trait and explore what verbs are and how they improve our writing
- Revise the days of the week
- Revise how to estimate and count collections of objects
Big Question: How might we support animals to survive and thrive?
Over the next fortnight, students will be exploring the following lines of inquiry:
- Where do our foods and fibres come from?
The students will be required to read one readers each night. They will collect 5 readers at the beginning of the week. They are required to bring their reading diary daily to be checked by their teacher.
Year 2
What’s Happening in Year 2: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 2
The Year 2’s have had a fabulous start to the year. Over the past two weeks we have been focusing on reconnecting with our peers, forming new friendships and settling into the classroom environment. A highlight has been meeting our new teachers, playing outside with our friends and learning new content.
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 2
Throughout the year the Year 2’s will utilise the Zones of Regulation both within the classroom and outside in the playground. Students will be revisiting the Zones of Regulation, building new toolkits and identifying ways in which we are able to help ourselves regulate.
- Students will work with their teachers to set up their reading pouches and reading journals
- stretch and reread to blend sounds together
- Revising the 6+1 Traits of writing (Ideas, Organisation, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions)
- Revisiting transactional texts
- Revisiting place value, understanding that 10 ones is 10; understanding three-digit numbers as comprised of hundreds, tens and ones
- Revisiting subitising
Big Question: How do changes in the sky and landscape affect living things?
Over the next fortnight, students will be asked to:
- Think about what we know and want to find out about Earth Science
- Discuss changes that happen in our environment (the sky, the landscape etc)
- Could you please make sure your child has a named art smock (given to their classroom teacher to leave in a communal tub).
- Hats must be worn during recess, lunch and Physical Education until the 1st May. Please ensure your child has a named hat (to be left at school in their tub or on their hook).
- If you wish to contact your child’s classroom teacher for any reason, please do so using the school email - Beaumaris.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Year 3
What’s Happening in Year 3: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 3
The students have had a terrific time getting back into school life and getting to know their new teachers and classmates. We have played many ‘getting to know you’ games and have written a letter to our teacher about our hopes and dreams for this year.
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 3
- Re-visiting the Zones of Regulation and what that looks like in Year 3
- Strengthening our existing relationships and building a supportive and team environment within our classes
- Looking at good reading habits and learning new reading strategies for comprehension
- Enjoying our class novel ‘Third Grade Angels’ and making many connections to ourselves
- Re-introducing the 6 + 1 Writing Traits that will guide us through the writing process and help us to level up our writing
- Looking at place value, extending to three-digit numbers and beyond.
- Unpacking worded problems and how to answer them
Inquiry - Health
Big Question: How might we promote healthy living choices in our school community?
Over the next couple of weeks, the students will explore social, emotional and physical health through the below line of inquiry.
Line of Inquiry: Why is it important to stay healthy?
We are excited for the children to become more independent and responsible when completing their homework and recording their reading.
More information will come home about this in their homework book on Tuesdays.
Labelled art smocks need to come back to school and placed in class tubs.
Clipboards, white boards and headphones need to be returned to school if they accidentally went home last year.
Diaries are expected to come to school every day with their reading recorded and ready to be checked by the teacher.
Year 4
What’s Happening in Year 4: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 4
The students have had a great start to Year 4 and have settled well into the classroom routine. They have reconnected with classmates and enjoyed working together on some fun activities. In Week 3 we will be launching our BYOD program!
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 4
- Revisiting the key components of the Zones of Regulation
- Creating Zones of Regulation toolkits
- Introduction to our term novel, The Dragon Defenders
- Exploring the concepts of predictions, connections and character descriptions
- Conducting reading groups for targeted activities
- Silent reading personal choice book
- Revising the 6+1 Traits of writing, with particular focus on word choice, ideas and presentation
- Using the text ‘Why I love Australia’ by Bronwyn Bancroft as a mentor text, with particular focus on finding and elaborating ideas, noun groups and precise verbs.
- Setting a writing goal for the term
- Investigating the properties of odd and even numbers
- Making, naming, recording and ordering numbers to tens of thousand
- Rounding numbers
- Problem solving
Big Question: How can we promote our local community?
Over the next fortnight, students will be exploring the following lines of inquiry:
- What is democracy?
- What is citizenship and what are the rights and responsibilities of citizens?
Students will receive homework on a Monday and it is due on the Friday of the following week (signed diaries due every Friday). Homework consists of 20 minutes reading a night, 3- 4 Mathletics tasks to reinforce the concepts being taught at school, and one additional task, as instructed by the classroom teacher.
- Students need to bring in their laptops and signed BYOD agreement on Wednesday 14th February
- We have an incursion for Inquiry on the 27th February, consent/payment can be completed via Compass
- Year 4 camp will take place in Week 1, Term 2 from Wednesday 17th April to Friday 19th April. Forms will be going home with students in Week 3
Photo Snippets from Problem Solving
Year 5
What’s Happening in Year 5: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 5
What an amazing start we have in Year 5! We have enjoyed exploring our new learning spaces, sharing our holiday highlights and working together to create our classroom norms. A big highlight of the year so far was our trip to Sovereign Hill. We all had a wonderful time at camp and enjoyed learning about life on the Goldfields, as well as getting to know our new classmates and teachers.
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 5
- Students will be exploring the links between their emotions and their behaviour focusing on what do emotions look like as well as recognising positive, negative and mixed emotions.
- Analyse the text structures and language features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text
Book Club: - Set up Book Club for Term 1
- Allocate books to students based on choices
- Explain Talk Sheet expectations
- Unpack the structure and language features of narratives
- Compare different types of narrative texts eg. Historical narrative/picture story book/novel
6+1 Traits:
Revising Word Choice/ Ideas/ Organisation
- Learning to recognise, represent and order numbers to at least hundreds of thousands
- Calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and the volume and capacity of prisms using familiar metric units
Our recent camp to Sovereign Hill was a fantastic introduction to our unit of Inquiry of History. Our big question is How has the Gold Rush had a lasting impact on Australia today?
Our lines of Inquiry over the next fortnight are:
- Who lived on the gold fields?
- What were the different classes that existed on the gold fields?
Students will receive homework on a Tuesday and they will have 2 weeks to complete it. Homework consists of 20 minutes of reading a night, Mathletics tasks to reinforce the concepts being taught at school, and one additional task as instructed by the classroom teacher. The first additional homework task is to decorate their Writer’s Notebook. This can be made up of photos, pictures and any other items that are special to you such as concert tickets, sporting ribbons, post cards, artwork etc that reflect who you are. The more personalised, the better! Please paste the photos, pictures and items straight onto the cover and contact your book. You may cover both the front and back covers or just the front. It is entirely up to you.
- Enchanted Maze Excursion – Friday 9th of February. Please ensure students arrive at school by 8:45am. They are to wear comfortable casual clothes and footwear for Tree Surfing. Students will need to bring a backpack with a hat, snack, lunch and refillable water bottle.
- All students require a new digital agreement signed in preparation for using devices at school.
- Interschool Sport take place on Friday mornings and commences in Week 4 on Friday 23rd of February. On game days, students will need to arrive at school at 8.30am in their sports uniform, with their school hat and refillable drink bottle.
Year 6
What’s Happening in Year 6: Weeks 3 & 4
What’s been happening in Year 6
The students have had a great start to Year 6! We have spent the first two weeks reconnecting with our peers and being great role models for the school. Highlights have been preparing for camp, meeting our buddies and showing them around the school!
What will be happening over the next two weeks in Year 6
CAMP – Monday 12th to Wednesday 14th February
- Developing class norms to ensure a safe and secure classroom environment for all
- Revisiting the key components of the Zones of Regulation
- Introduction to our term novel, A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr
- Using key events to summarise text
- Revising the 6+1 Traits of writing (Ideas, Organisation, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions)
- Learning to recognise the properties of number (including the properties of composite, prime, triangular and square numbers)
History focus
Big Question: How have significant people and events of the twentieth century shaped our nation’s national identity and way of life?
Please note homework will begin after camp in week 4.
- Students are required to be at school at 8.20am on Monday 12th February for camp.
- Please refer to the student packing list.
- All students require a new digital agreement signed in preparation for using devices at school.
- Interschool Sport will take place on Friday mornings. On game days, students will need to arrive to school at 8.30am in their sports uniform, with their school hat and refillable drink bottle.