Inquiry Centre



Welcome back Independence Centre families. We hope you had a lovely and restful break.  This week we have focused on settling in and establishing routines in our classes. Students have enjoyed playing maths games, getting to know their new classmates and starting their specialist classes. 


We hope you have had a great week,

Mrs Seadon, Kate, Emma, Suzie, Miss Emmett, Miss Shaye and Amanda 


Student Voice

  • I like going to a new classroom - Alex S
  • The best thing about coming back to school is spending time with my friends - Kiara S
  • My favourite thing at school is seeing my teacher and friends - Sophie W 



  • Please bring hats to school. 
  • At the start of the year, students are particularly hungry. Please send some extra fruit for students to snack on through the day. 
  • Take-home books begin in Week 2. Please bring orange folders to school. 


Pupil of the Week -


1/2E: Harriet C

For demonstrating bravery when returning to school. Welcome back and well done for a great start to Year 1! 


1/2KS: Elliott C

For demonstrating a love of learning when writing your holiday recount. Well done Elliott! 


1/2M:  Burhanuddin V 

For demonstrating a love of learning when writing your Holiday recount. You included so much detail! Well done.


1/2S: Maisie V

For demonstrating bravery when returning to school and always showing kindness to those around you! Well done Maisie!


1/2A: Maria M

For demonstrating a positive attitude when returning to school. Well done Maria!