Independence Centre


Selamat siang, 


Happy New Year and welcome to 2024 in the Independence Centre! We have had a wonderful week settling into our new classroom spaces, catching up with old friends and beginning to make new connections! Some highlights this week were choosing good fit books, 3/4 sport, collecting our new supplies (especially our beautiful new diaries) and of course, buddy bonding.


Hopefully you have had a chance to have a look through your child’s 2024 diary with them. We will be utilising these at school to record independent reading and as a tool during Wellbeing sessions. We encourage students to use the weekly spread pages to record home reading or important information as they see fit. Please ensure your child’s diary returns to school each day - their school bag is kind of like a diary home!


Have a wonderful week, 

Ros, Jess, Sam, Katrina and Brooke

Student Voice

Students suggested sports equipment that we could purchase as a ¾ set of outdoor play equipment during recess and lunch.

  • Ollie - golf and badminton
  • Abby - Skipping
  • Malia - Soccer


  • Student diaries will go home each day in school bags and are required at school each day.
  • Please ensure your child has a labelled hat at school in their tub.
  • Students may bring a pencil case to school. We will provide basic stationery required for learning.
  • The weekly newsletter is published every Friday via a Sentral link or direct email if you are subscribed to the iNewsletter website.
  • Please check Sentral for any outstanding permissions and yearly consent.
  • Cyber safety day is Wednesday 14th February. Students do not need to bring iPads to school until this day.

Pupil of the Week

3/4RJ: Ben C

For acting on feedback when editing your holiday recount, and using classroom resources effectively.


3/4B: Ayansh S

For being an inclusive member of 3/4B by supporting your peers to find materials that they need! 


3/4W: Anoshka M

For demonstrating a love of learning and challenging yourself during all writing sessions this week. 


3/4S: Rebekah L 

For showing enthusiasm in writing your holiday recount and settling back into school in a positive manner.


3/4K: Elspeth M

For demonstrating leadership by setting a positive example for the class through your participation in class discussions and applying your best effort to all activities.