Leadership Centre


Selamat siang, 

Welcome back everyone, the first week of school has absolutely flown by! Last week we had an action-packed week with all of the students settling into their new classes and reconnecting with their peers and teachers after the break.



A big highlight last week was the commencement of our leadership hour sessions. During these sessions Year Six students were able to find out their leadership roles and start to brainstorm ideas that they will have for the coming school year. We also remind all Year Six parents and carers that there are permissions on Sentral for an upcoming leadership excursion. During the session Year Five students started to think about the impact that they will have on the school when leading cultural initiatives across the year. They were also encouraged to apply for the role of Pleasant Snacks Manager and class SRC. 


Over the week students also began to set goals for the term. Over the coming weeks, they will each have a reading, writing, maths, and personal goal. We look forward to working with the students to help them reach their goals over the coming term. Feel free to ask your child about their goals and the strategies they will use to reach them! 


Have a wonderful week, 

The Leadership Centre Teachers 

Student Voice

Monica 5/6D: “It is great to be back at school and see all of my friends again!” 

Hinrich 5/6D: “I am so excited for the year ahead, I am looking forward to being back and being in my new class!”

Charlotte 5/6D: “Maths was challenging, but I was able to use my problem-solving skills to work through the learning pit”


  • Tissue box donations (A big thanks to those that have donated already)
  • A reminder that sun smart hats need to be worn when students are outside during recess, lunch and sport sessions
  • Year Six Excursion permissions are to be returned on Sentral 

Pupil of the Week

5/6N: Sakina

Well done using your love of learning and persistence when creating your detailed holiday recount!


5/6S: Arsheya

For demonstrating leadership and kindness when supporting new students in our learning community, helping them to settle into MPRPS.


5/6E: Sam

For demonstrating teamwork and kindness when working with your peers to edit your writing.


5/6FL: Aaliyah J

For demonstrating curiosity and passion when up-leveling your dream holiday recount and engaging the class in an interesting discussion on vocabulary.  


5/6C: Kitraa S

For demonstrating a love of learning when writing your Cold Write about your dream holiday to create an engaging recount.