Specialist News

Bronwyn, Geraldine, Vimala, Rebecca and Jenny

Welcome back

The specialist teachers welcome you back to Clayton North for 2024.


This year, we have lots of lessons and activities planned that will not only improve our students' language, physical and creative skills, but also their confidence, and creative and problem-solving skills.


To celebrate Harmony Day this year, we have invited the Rhythm of Life African Drumming group to perform at our school on the 21st of March at 11:30am. The cost for the day will be $5.00 per child. Payments can be made through Compass Events.


Here is a link to a YouTube video of Rhythm of Life African Drumming in action: https://youtu.be/W8lhbW3zXNw?si=IVqerPst4u4DTL0D


We look forward to working with your children and communicating with you through Seesaw and Compass.