Year 3/4 News

Akshpreet and Sean

The Year 3/4 students have begun the academic year by getting to know their new classmates and peers in their respective classrooms. We have also set clear expectations about daily routines, transitions, and how to follow the school's values while demonstrating Respectful, Responsible, and Resilient behavior.

We have begun by working independently and collaboratively to learn more about our reading, writing and mathematics. We are analysing and understanding character traits to predict pre, during, and post reading comprehension. We are refining our understanding of Narrative writing genre and the writing process.

As a part of our mathematics curriculum, we have been practicing with some sample NAPLAN questions. This exercise helps us to comprehend the types of vocabulary and strategies required to perform well in these tests. Moreover, it enables us to avoid common misconceptions that may arise during the examination. We have also been learning and revisiting the concepts of Odds and Evens, Addition and Subtraction. We are currently working on Measurement using informal and formal units and tools to accurately estimate and then find the actual length of objects in our classrooms.

We have had a great start to the year and have worked as a team to establish our expectations for how we want our classroom to operate and how we want to engage with one another throughout the year. We have documented these expectations in our Classroom Agreements, which we have all signed and agreed to follow with respect.