Assistant Principal's News

Josie Burt

Welcome back to Clayton North for another exciting year of learning. I am thrilled to be working in the leadership team as the Acting Assistant Principal, Monday to Thursday. 

I look forward to supporting Sue and our school community in the work to come this year.


Our staff have been working hard behind the scenes to plan many fantastic learning opportunities for your children. We have several sporting events and incursions coming up this term.


I appreciate the effort parents have made to engage with our new LMS (Learning Management System) Compass. It has required our staff to undertake several professional learning sessions to make sure that they are ready for the new school year. If you are having issues connecting, please contact the school office for support. We are excited to launch into the use of Compass and we are sure that it will be a great tool for us going forward.


Seesaw is in use in all classrooms. If you have yet to download the app and connect to your child's class - please do so as it provides valuable insight into the learning that happens here at CNPS. 

Each week, you will receive an update on the learning focus for the week in your child’s area. Teachers and students will post weekly with a work sample or reflection on learning in the key learning areas.

Smile Squad

We have had the opportunity to have the Smile Squad – free dental checkups, visiting us this week. If you registered your interest in this initiative, your child will be seen by the visiting dentists over the coming week. This is a wonderful free program offered to all Government schools. 

Dr Cranky

We are lucky to have the continued support of Dr Cranky’s Bike Hospital this year. This is a volunteer program that runs every second Tuesday after school. Dr Cranky up-cycles bicycles for donation within the school community. He is assisted by Trevor Allen, a parent helper. It was fantastic to see such a crowd of enthusiastic future cyclists on his first visit for the year on the 6th February.


Student Representative Council - SR

In the coming weeks, each of our classes from Year 1 to 6 will appoint a student to be their representative. The role of the SRC will be to meet with a teacher regularly to discuss ideas for improvements and activities within the school. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to experience student voice and develop their leadership capabilities. Once all classes have selected their representative, there will be a presentation of SRC badges at our Tuesday assembly. I am looking forward to hearing the voices of our student population.