Principal's News

Sue Simadri

Dear Clayton North Primary School Community

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024!


I am excited to be here at Clayton North at the beginning of this school year, and I am looking forward to partnering with families and the fantastic CNPS staff team, to celebrate tremendous achievements over the coming four terms! 


This year, we have welcomed 36 new Foundation students and another 35 new students across Years 1 to 6, making a total enrolment of approximately 220 students. Engaging with families at drop-off and pick-up times and having a chat with students at playtime, are the highlights of each day.


Thank you to parents and families for getting your children to school regularly - student attendance has been above 90% every week so far. The standard has certainly been set for this year! 

Students must be at school by 8.50am so that they can actively engage in the special classroom routines that teachers have organised to begin the school day, such as quiet reading, exercise, and circle time. Students arriving after 9am must be signed in at the office and will be given a 'late pass' to take to their teacher. Parents can submit an absence or late note via Compass.


Breakfast Club operates every school day from 7.30 to 8.30am - this is a great way for children to get to know other students and have something nutritious to eat first thing in the morning. Register your child for this free service at the office.

Camp Australia run the after-school program from 3.30 to 6.30pm every school day. This is a paid service and children can be enrolled online; please see the last page of this newsletter for additional information.

School Council

Earlier this week, I communicated with parents about the 2024 School Council and called for nominations. We have four parent member vacancies and I encourage you to consider serving on the CNPS School Council. Meetings are held online, about 8 times in the year. The time commitment is not huge and it is an opportunity for you to be involved in shaping our school, and in influencing the quality of education for our students. Nominations must be made via the self-nomination form, which is attached below, or can be collected from the office. All nominations must be submitted by 4pm on Wednesday 28th February.

School Review - Term 2

The Department of Education (DET) conducts reviews of schools every 4 years. This rigorous process is convened by an independent DET-appointed external reviewer, who assesses the school's compliance with the Minimum Standards for Curriculum and Student Learning. The school review supports each school to differentiate its improvement journey by building on current strengths and assisting it in responding to challenges. It emphasises continuous improvement and affirms that every student, no matter their background or circumstance, has a right to learn in a school committed to improvement. It maintains that every school can continue to improve.  

The School Review seeks multiple perspectives, including, staff, students and parents. The result of this process is the development of the next 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP).


The first component of the review is the pre-review self-evaluation (PRSE), where schools review their data and other evidence to form a collective view of current practice and areas for improvement. To support the completion of the PRSE, we will be calling a student-free day on Thursday 7th March, when all staff will be in attendance to provide their input and contribution. Apologies to families for the relatively short notice and the inconvenience this causes.  


Further details about the School Review will be provided in future correspondence.   

Sue Simadri