From the Principal

14 December, 2023

I extend a warm welcome to all students, staff, and families as we commence the new year at POPS in 2024. It's heartening to observe our students returning to the school grounds with radiant smiles and joy in their eyes. Witnessing their re-connection with friends and staff, and their embodiment of our school values - Kindness, Respect, Integrity, and Excellence - fills me with immense pride and joy.

Welcome Foundation 2024

Our 2024 Foundation students began their primary school journey this week. We would like to extend a warm welcome to them and their families as they embark on their schooling at POPS. Starting school is such an exciting time in their lives. Special thanks to Mrs Allegretto and Ms McRae, our Foundation teachers, for ensuring a smooth transition. Gratitude also to Ms Berardini, Mrs Hammond, and Mrs Campbell for organising coffee and tea for parents/carers after dropping off their children.

Library Renovation and Refurbishment

During the holidays, the library underwent extensive renovations, including wall demolition, carpet removal, and painting, thanks to Neal and Glenn. New carpet and a refreshed pit area have transformed the space. The next phase involves furnishing and shelving to create a wellbeing space for reading, relaxation, connection, and creativity. Students will be invited to suggest a new name for the building to reflect its wellbeing focus.Tues Feb 13: Additionally, students using this space will also be able to access the sensory garden which will begin construction in April. Exciting times ahead!

School Photos - Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Please note if you wish to order sibling photos they will need to be purchased by Friday 9 February, 2024.

Getting to Know You Conversations (Years 1- 6)

Getting to Know You Conversations for Years 1-6 will be conducted after school on Tuesday 13 February and Thursday 15 February. Parents can book a ten-minute meeting with teachers, bookings will open on Monday 5 February. These meetings are an initial connection between teachers and parents and begin the relationship between school and home. 


Mrs Bullen (Assistant Principal) and myself (Principal) are looking forward to working with you this term. Please get in touch with us via email or the school phone (9876 1249) if you would like to discuss anything about the school.


Student Achievements

Ava (5K) and Lila (3G): entered their first novice diving competition with Ringwood Diving Club on Saturday. They won a gold medal for their synchronised dive. Ava achieved a silver medal for her individual dives and Lila achieved a bronze medal. Congratulations!

Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity (Principal)


Key Dates:

Mon Feb 5: First Assembly

Mon Feb 12: Yr 6 Leadership Badges presented at Asembly and Foundation first assembly

Monday Feb 12: Pancake day

Tues Feb 13: GTKY Conversations

Tues Feb 13: School Photos