Acting Principal's Message-
Donna Geritz
Acting Principal's Message-
Donna Geritz
Dear College Community,
As you are aware, at the end of 2023 the longstanding College Principal Amadeo Ferra departed, stepping into a Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL) and announced that I was appointed into the Acting Principal role for Term 1.
The first things I have noticed as a new team member are how welcoming the McClelland staff and students are. I have witnessed pleasing and positive interactions between staff and students, and the students I have had the opportunity to meet so far have been great, open to a chat and getting to know each other. I welcomed the new Year 7s at their First Day Breakfast and Assembly and have been interacting with as many students as I can at lunchtime or on the gate each morning.
If you see me at the gate before school, please don’t hesitate to give me a wave or say hello!
My previous school was Western Port Secondary College in Hastings, where I had the privilege of holding an Assistant Principal role for almost 10 years. This role has given me extensive experience in leading a whole school vision, living the college values and striving for continued improved student outcomes – both from a learning and wellbeing perspective.
My portfolios have covered the leading of Whole School Curriculum, Reporting and Assessment, Inclusion/Youth Commitment and Leading the VCE/VCAL/VM Sub-School. After 10 years, there is not much within a mid-sized school that I have not been exposed to, so while I am sure there will be lots of new learning for me in this new role – it is something I feel confident I have the strength and capacity in and will hopefully thoroughly enjoy.
McClelland College has experienced a large number of staffing changes over recent months and one of my first roles is to ensure that staff are well inducted, supported to continue the consistent processes of the school and are indoctrinated into the values of McClelland College – COG. I am confident this will occur, and your students will have an amazing 2024. If they are experiencing anything other than that and you have concerns, please reach out to the relevant Sub School team members for further information or ways we can support.
I am looking forward to experiencing my first Swimming Sports carnival on Monday and have been allocated into the Blue house. I thought I might have to be impartial as principal – but apparently not…. so let’s hope the day is a success – with Blue House taking out the win!
School Council will meet on Tuesday 13th February, with the SEIL from the network attending to go over the process of appointing the new principal with them.
The Regional Office is confident that a successful process can be completed by the end of Term 1, allowing the stability of a substantive principal commencing from the start of Term 2.
Again, thank you for welcoming me to the College and I look forward to working together to make everyone’s school experience the best it can possibly be.
Donna Geritz