Principal's Report

Welcome back to another thrilling year at Glen Innes High School! It's delightful to witness so many bright and smiling faces among our students. 


A warm welcome goes out to all our new students and their families, as well as our new staff members. You can find information about our new staff on each faculty page.


Don't forget to keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events, and remember, we also have a weekly calendar displayed on our school sign.


A few gentle reminders: while we understand the adjustment period returning to school routine can be challenging, it's crucial for students to arrive on time every day. We've noticed a few late arrivals, so let's make punctuality a priority.


Also, a quick note that chewing gum is not allowed on school grounds. Students found with gum will be asked to dispose of it, and repeated incidents may lead to disciplinary action.


A reminder of the Schools Mobile phone policy. Phones need to placed in their bags as the enter the school grounds in the morning and turned off or placed on silent. Students can access them again as they leave the school grounds at the conclusion of their day. 


Join us for a friendly Welcome BBQ specifically for parents of Year 7 students and new families to the school. The BBQ will take place on Monday, February 19th, starting at 5:00 pm. We extend a warm invitation to all parents to attend, and we encourage you to RSVP via email for catering purposes. Following the BBQ, at 6:00 pm, there will be an informative session on Elevate's study skills, aimed at helping parents support their child's secondary education.


Additionally, we'll be sending out General Permission notes along with a Student Representative charter outlining expectations for students involved in extracurricular activities. Both students and parents will be required to sign these notes, granting permission for participation in these activities. We look forward to your involvement!"


A finial reminder that the school has student assistance funding. If you are experiencing financial hardship. Please contact the school as we do not want any student to miss out any educational experience. All inquires are kept strickly confidential.  


We're currently putting the finishing touches on our School Prospectus. Once it's finalised, we'll be sure to email the link to all families so they can familiarise themselves with our school policies and procedures.