
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

Reading - The key comprehension strategies we will focus on this term will include:

  • Summarising - retelling the main ideas in the text in their own words
  • Making connections - finding links between what they are reading and their personal experiences and prior knowledge
  • Distinguish between fact and opinion - understanding facts can be proven and opinions relate to a person's attitude or judgement
  • Locating and using information - particularly while we focus on the persuasive writing genre

Writing - We will be exploring a wide variety of text types and use features such as structure, language and literary devices. Our main focus will be on persuasive and narrative texts, their language features and an effective structure for persuasion or to tell an imaginative story. 


Speaking and Listening - Students develop these skills throughout the day in many activities.  We will be particularly focusing on the following elements: Making eye contact, voice projection, note taking and asking clarifying questions. There will be many opportunities for students to practise speaking and listening skills during our Inquiry unit “How can we succeed together?”.