Diary Dates

Term 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Term 1 in Year 3! We have had a great start to the year and it has been very pleasing to see the children smoothly adapt to the expectations and routines of Year 3. We would like to extend a big welcome to those families who are new to HPS! We are excited about the teaching and learning opportunities coming up this term and look forward to some engaging and challenging activities with your children. 

Kind regards,

The Year 3 Team

3A - Helen Patterson Farr

3B -  Aedan Gordon

3C - Madi Grace

3D - Debra Brayshaw


Below are a few key dates for the term:

  • School photos - Monday 26th February and Tuesday 27th February
  • Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 11th March
  • NAPLAN Testing - Wednesday 13th March - Writing, Thursday 14th March - Reading, Friday 15th March - Conventions of Language, Monday 18th March - Numeracy
  • Soccer Clinic - Tuesday 26th March
  • End of Term 1 - Thursday 28th March