Education in Faith

Sunday, 11th  February

 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mark 1: 40–45 Jesus cures a leper


 Loving God, you give us this new school year and new friends with whom to share it. 

Bless all who pray and work together.

May this year bring peace and harmony throughout the world.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


2024 Sacramental Program

All the dates for the 2024 Parish Sacramental Program have been set. Please add the following dates to your diaries if you are wanting your child to receive either of these sacraments. All sacraments will be celebrated at St Christopher’s in 2024.

First Reconciliation

Presentation of Candidates: Sunday 3rd March, 10.30am

Family Evening: Thurs 7th March, 7.00pm

Reflection Day: Wed 13th March, 9.00am-3.00pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wed 20th March, 7pm


First Eucharist

Presentation of Candidates: Sunday 5th May, 10.30am

Family Evening: Thurs 23rd May, 7.00pm

Reflection Day: Wed 29th May, 9.00am-3.00pm

Sacrament of First Eucharist: Sunday 2nd June, 2.00pm


Sacrament of Confirmation – Celebrated again in 2025