Senior School News

Time Flies at Sacred Heart!

Can you believe we're already a third of the way through our term? Just three weeks in, and the senior school is bustling with activity and excitement.

Welcome Back, Grade 5 Adventurers!

Our Grade 5 students have just returned from an exhilarating week at Camp Rumbug in Foster, where they embraced teamwork, initiative, and challenged themselves through a variety of activities. They tackled a mud run, mastered raft building, navigated the waters canoeing, and soared to new heights on the giant swing. Their enthusiasm and bravery were truly inspiring!

Grade 6 Leaders in Action

A big shout-out to our Grade 6 students who took the lead in organising tabloid sports and Kaboom activities this week. They're starting their leadership journey on the right foot, planning impactful ways to leave their mark on Sacred Heart. Watch out for these emerging leaders as they bring their energy and creativity to our junior classes!

Academic Endeavors Take Flight

Our academic programs are in full swing, showcasing the vibrant learning landscape at Sacred Heart. The Grade 6 students have successfully completed their first math unit on data, where they immersed themselves in reading and analyzing graphs, and even took on the challenge of creating their own column and line graphs. Their journey through numbers has set a solid foundation for the year ahead.

In English, our curriculum is meticulously designed to refine a broad spectrum of skills, including morphology, fluency, comprehension, writing syntax, and spelling mastery. Through focused and explicit lessons, students are given the opportunity for hands-on practice to solidify their understanding and application of these concepts. The Grade 6s have been exploring the depths of root morphographs such as ‘Capt / Ceive / Cept / Cipe,’ uncovering the meanings of these roots and experimenting with an array of prefixes and suffixes to expand their vocabulary. Their engagement with writing syntax is equally impressive, as they sharpen their ability to summarise complex ideas into concise one-sentence summaries.

Not to be outdone, our Grade 5 students have embarked on a linguistic adventure with the root word ‘auto,’ creating word sums and investigating the impact of various suffixes. This exploration into the autonomy of ‘auto’ has sparked curiosity and expanded their understanding of how language evolves. In maths, they've wrapped up their unit on place value, laying a crucial foundation for their mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.



Preparing for Canberra

Our Grade 6 students are gearing up for their Canberra camp trip from March 19th-21st, delving into Australia's political history and the story of our nation's federation. It's an exciting time for these young historians in the making.


To help provide some additional funding for our Canberra Camp the Grade 6 students are hosting a Run-A-Thon - Run to Canberra, where they will collectively cover the km's it takes to run to Parliament house in Canberra from our school in Sandringham. This is a total distance of 689km! They have decided to give themselves the goal of completing this distance within 5 days from February 26th to March 1st.


All donations are welcome to help support our students reach this goal and provide some support for our Canberra Camp.


Upcoming Events

Best of luck to our swimmers competing in the Dendy Inter-school Swimming Sports next week. We're cheering you on and know you'll make us proud!

Stay tuned for more updates and stories of achievement and adventure at Sacred Heart.



A reminder that in Grade 6 P.E is now on Thursdays and class sport on Friday. On these two days the students are to wear their P.E uniform and runners. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday they are in full summer uniform. 


Important Dates for This Term:

  • Dendy Swimming Carnival: February 19th
  • Grade 6 Run-A-Thon  Feb 26th - March 1st. 
  • Long Weekend: March 7th - 11th
  • Grade 5 Naplan: March 13th - 25th (testing window)
  • Athletics Day: March 15th
  • Grade 6 Canberra Camp: March 19th - 21st
  • Last Day of Term: March 28th

For any queries, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher:

  • 5B - Darcie Bull:
  • 5BM - Dara Blake:
  • 5BM - Bec Maddocks:
  • 6M - Jayne McKay:
  • 6T - Trent Thiessens:

Looking forward to a term filled with learning and growth,


Until next time,

Jayne Mckay

Senior Leader


Captains Corner

Written by Matilda Monaghan, Paddy McPherson, Kit Lucky and Rhani Rodrigues


Interview with a Grade 5 

RE: Camp


What was your favourite activity at Camp Rumbug and why?

Lucy N- The giant swing was my favourite because you didn't really have to do anything, it just pulled you to the top and it was fun. It was exciting and had an amazing view.

Jack - The giant swing was probably my favourite because when you were falling it felt like you were flying!

Cassie - The Giant swing was my favourite because I got to the top and really enjoyed it.

Emmerson - The giant swing because it felt like you were flying


Can you share a challenging moment you faced during camp and how you overcame it?

Lucy N - The tree climb was challenging because it was really high and I told myself I wouldn't get that high. I took 4 steps up and I was really proud of myself. I overcame my fear by setting myself a small goal and trying to reach that goal. I did it! I reached my goal but then I got scared

Jack - The mud run slippery wall was quite challenging and I used different strategies to overcome the wall. so I came down but I am really proud of myself!

Cassie - The tree climb was a bit nerve racking, although I still managed to get to the top and didn’t look  down!

Emmerson - The raft building because it felt like I was going to fall off.


How did participating in the mud run make you feel, and what was the most fun part?

Lucy N - The most fun part was definitely the hiking part where you had to grab onto a rope and pull yourself up.

Jack -It made me feel happy and my favourite part was the commando course

Cassie - The most fun part was doing the mud run with my friends and managing to not get dirty!

Emmerson - It made me feel really dirty and I got a bucket of mud tipped on my head! 


What was something new you learned while doing bush craft or any other activity?

Lucy - In bushcraft we learnt that SOS is the best word to use if u need help, we also learnt how to canoe.

Cassie - I learned how to tie a knot in raft building.

Jack - I learnt how to paddle canoe

Emmerson - In bush craft we learnt how to tie knots and I learnt how to tie figure eight knot and the snowman knot.


During the raft building activity, how did your team work together to build your raft?

Cassie - They all worked together to tie the rope and push it together.

Jack - Most of my team helped tie the knots to stabilise the raft

Lucy - By asking each other to do certain things in order to be successful and and participating 

Emmerson - There were 2 people sitting on the barrels while people were tying the ropes. There were no one sitting out


What was the giant swing experience like, and how did you feel before and after the swing?

Cassie - I had done it before so I wasn’t really nervous end ended going to the top.

Jack - I was feeling excited but nervous

Lucy - Before I felt really really terrified and after I really wanted to do it again because it was really fun.

Emmerson - Before the swing i was feeling nervous and after the swing it was tons of fun


Canoeing can be tricky; tell me about your experience on the water. Did anything unexpected happen?

Cassie - It was really fun and another boat fell over which was funny.

Jack - While we 'water polo'ed'  on canoes my team capsized the boat!

Emmerson - Cassie and Audrey and I were in the same canoe we kept on crashing into people

Lucy - So I was with Alexia and we were quite good nothing unexpected happen except from the boat shaking a lot.


Camp food is always interesting. What was your favourite meal at Camp Rumbug, and why?

Cassie- The lunch on the last day of camp was good because it was quite normal, but spaghetti was good at dinner.

Jack - My favourite meal at camp was the butter chicken for dinner because it was delicious

Emmerson - My favourite meal was the pasta and the garlic bread

Lucy - The jacket potato because it was very filling and the curry was also good.


Camps often have evening activities. What was the most memorable evening activity for you and why?

Cassie - The camp fire was the most memorable, and singing Taylor swift songs. 

Jack - We did the campfire activity and I was one of the leaders

Emmerson - The camp fire! We sang songs and roasted marshmallows.

Lucy - The camp fire because it was very fun and the camp songs were really cool.


Looking back at the whole camp experience, what is one thing you'll always remember about Camp Rumbug?

Emmerson - Aro ball because it was really fun

Lucy - being in a cabin with my friends and all the fun activities.

Jack - The giant swing was really fun and it will be something i will never forget

Cassie - Making new friends.


What was your favourite Camp Song?

Emmerson - "Oreo oreo oreo cookie" -  because i like oreos

Lucy - Crazy coconut because it was really good.

Jack -Bazzooka bubblegum

Cassie - They were were all good but the pizza man stood out the most to me.