Student Achievements

Class Awards
Congratulations to the following students on achieving a class award last week:
Foundation B: Jesse A and Aya C
Foundation D: Oscar C and Austin C
Foundation E: Luke B and Isla M
1B: Kirra T and Aston W
1H: Sophie K and Virat J
1M: Ivy T and Danny A
2B: Josie R and Emily M
2C: The whole class
2G: Jasper F and Ella S
3B: Flynn Cohen and Jobe K
3D: Ryan B and Kalei P
3M: Elias K and Ella W
4K: Camden H and Aaron T-K
4M: Chloe Y and Olympia S
5D: Annaliese H and Tristan T
5E: Asher Fogel and Molly B
5W: Liam S and Luke M
Visual Arts : Evelyn S (2C)
Mandarin : Emily H (1B) and Zach H (5D)
Premier's Reading Challenge
Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Premier's Reading Challenge for 2023: