Year 6 Report

Welcome Year 6 families! The Year 6 team hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are excited for the new year ahead. Let the final year of Primary School begin!

Term 1



During Literacy in Term 1, students will analyse, critique and unpack print and digital advertisements. During Writing sessions, students will explore the advertising strategies used in everyday media to create their own advertisement and marketing campaign. Together we will discover why and how advertisements are made, who they are targeted at, how their slogans are created and what language techniques advertisers use to sell a product.  



In Numeracy this Term, Grade 6 students will begin the year by building upon their place value knowledge. Students will use this knowledge and a variety of place value strategies to understand powers of 10. Students will then begin to explore the concept of multiplication. Testing their written and mental knowledge of multiplication problems. Students should be able to recall their multiplication facts up to x 10. This core understanding will make the unit a lot easier to engage in. 




During Inquiry in Semester 1, students will explore the difference between needs and wants while identifying influences on consumer choices. They will consider strategies that can be used to help make informed personal consumer and financial choices. Students will build their knowledge of appropriate actions by considering the advantages and disadvantages. They will also explore the significance of conscience and reasoning in ethical decision-making. 


Social and Emotional Learning


Students will begin the year by building upon their courage to apologise when making mistakes. Students will explore how their choices can impact those around them,and find ways to make choices that lead to positive outcomes. They will investigate the importance of having a growth mindset and understand the concept of positive and negative self-talk.



  • School begins at 8:50am each day
  • Meet the Teacher - 21st & 22nd February
  • Home Reading is to be competed each night and recorded in the student diary. Sunshine online logins can be used if extra reading material is required.  Login: Roxyps Password: Roxyps
  • Times Tables homework to be completed weekly
  • School Photos - 27th March
  • Last Day of Term 1 Colour Run - 28th March

Year 6 Team

Mikala Hunter 6A, Danica Lay 6B & Tiana Elia 6C