
Hello and welcome to the Italian newsletter. 

Throughout Term 1, Prep students will be able to participate in a range of Italian-language activities. Students will be introduced to the classic story of Pinocchio, used to familiarize students with the Italian language and culture. Students will learn greetings and names of body parts from the tale, and they will build their own Pinocchio puppet. Preps will use rhythmic beats to sing simple chants and songs to practice their oral language skills.



Students in years One and Two will practice reading, writing, and correctly pronouncing Italian words during Term 1. The emphasis will be on using Italian adjectives like size correctly. Additionally, students will broaden their understanding of body parts, greetings, animal names, colours, and how to communicate likes and dislikes in Italian. Years One and Two will use rhythmic beats to sing simple chants and songs to practice oral language skills.





During Term 1 grades Three and Four will revise and extend their understanding of greetings, adjectives and numbers. Students will be learning nouns relating to their environment, ways of describing their physical appearance and days of the week. Chants, songs and games will help students gain confidence in oral pronunciation.



During Term 1 students in years Five and Six will continue to use greetings and ask and respond to questions about themselves and others in Italian. Students will extend their comprehension of Italian grammar by learning about adjectives and verbs. Chants, songs and games will help students gain confidence in oral pronunciation.