STEM Report

Welcome back to another STEM year here at Roxburgh Park Primary School. Students have made a positive start upon their return from holidays with lots of fantastic stories and experiences to share. We are just finishing up our start up program in which students reviewed our rules and routines of the STEM room. Week 3 will see the commencement of our curriculum topics. Have a look below to see what each class will be learning about...


Prep: This term, Prep students will start the year by learning about the body's 5 senses. Our initial focus will be on listening and watching to help develop student's ability to follow instructions. Tuning their senses into the classroom environment and observing the world around them is a great way to develop awareness of routines and structures used everyday at school.


Grade 1/2: Grade 1/2 students will be undertaking the Chemical Science Unit titled, 'Bend it and stretch it'. Students will explore how everyday materials can be physically changed or combined with other materials for different purposes. They will investigate the actions, bend, stretch and scrunch on different materials and use what they have learnt when choosing materials for a creative challenge.


Grade 3/4: Term 1 will see Grade 3/4 students explore their topic titled, 'Its a material world'. They will investigate how natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties and how these special properties may affect their use. Students will use their understanding of a material's benefits when undertaking a group design challenge.


Grade 5: This term, Grade 5 students will explore the Biological world in their topic, 'I'm a survivor'. They will learn how living things have special features and adaptations that help them to survive in a habitat and will they investigate some of the extreme conditions that exist in environments around the world.


Grade 6: This term,Grade 6 students will be exploring the Solar System, in their Earth Science unit titled, 'Earth's place in space'. They will investigate how Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star and use their understanding to create their own digital models of the Solar System.



Bye for now, See you in STEM!