Visual Arts

with Ms Popovic & Mrs Fitzpatrick 

Welcome back to the art room! 


Children in Grades 1/2 have begun their year discussing art room expectations, with a particular emphasis on looking after our resources. Together, we started practicing our drawing skills by playing a dice game called "Roll-a-Cat" where children roll the dice to see which part of the cat they draw next and in what style. 

Students in Grades 3-6 have been given a workbook to use for practicing sketching and drawing skills as well as planning ideas. They spent their first week colouring a front cover for their book as well as discussing art room expectations and protocols. We have emphasised taking care of art room equipment and materials as to not create too much waste and to ensure we have quality resources each time we visit the art room. 


In week 2, students across the school have been creating paper flowers and leaves in various styles to contribute to two whole school murals. There is a mural in the P-2 corridor and another in the 5-6 corridor, featuring tree branches made by teachers and floral and foliage contributions from all students - families will be able to view this work during our open classroom/family picnic on Friday 9th February.