Assistant Principal's Report

By Roland Lewis

Introducing the Resilience Project at GWPS


We are delighted to share a new initiative in our ongoing commitment to student, staff, and community wellbeing at Glen Waverley Primary School. In 2024, we have the privilege of participating in The Resilience Project's Education Program, an evidence-based program with proven benefits to the positive mental health of our school community.


The Resilience Project has successfully delivered wellbeing programs to over 1500 schools and early learning centres across Australia, and we are grateful to be a part of this initiative. What sets The Resilience Project apart is the evidence supporting the effectiveness of its program, which has been rigorously evaluated by Adelaide University and the University of Melbourne, ensuring its credibility and impact.


At the heart of The Resilience Project's Education Programs is a commitment to cultivating positive emotions, as increased positive emotion correlates with greater resilience. The program focuses on three key pillars, collectively known as GEM - Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness. These pillars serve as the cornerstone for building a resilient mindset, promoting emotional wellbeing in both students and educators.


One of the standout features of The Resilience Project's approach is the emphasis on Emotional Literacy as a foundational skill. By honing emotional literacy, individuals gain the ability to navigate and understand their emotions, providing a solid foundation for the effective practice of gratitude, empathy, and mindfulness.


Through engaging presentations, thoughtfully crafted student curriculum, teacher resources and digital content, The Resilience Project's Education Programs seamlessly integrate into the classroom, staffroom and family home. This holistic approach ensures that the benefits of the program extend beyond the school gates, positively impacting the entire community.


As we continue to prioritise the mental health and wellbeing of our whole community, we look forward to further exploring the positive effects of The Resilience Project's Education Programs. Together, we aim to create an environment where resilience thrives, and positivity becomes a guiding force for all members of our school community.


If you would like to learn more, please feel free to peruse the following links;


The Resilience Project Website: The Resilience Project


Frequently Asked Questions: Parent and Carer FAQs - The Resilience Project