Teaching and Learning

What to Expect Over the Coming Weeks
Transitioning back to school: As the students transition into the school year, they will be engaging in our Learning to Learn units of work. The first two weeks are really important to set up the routines and rituals for learning, understanding how the learning spaces are set up, developing a deep knowledge of learning behaviours and building relationships with their teachers and peers. A strong connection and sense of belonging are important foundations upon which a successful learning culture can be set.
Classroom Resources: All resources will be ready for your child in the classroom. Your child’s classroom teacher will organise and distribute everything your child needs to support their learning as the year progresses. We really appreciate the voluntary contributions made by parents that ensure we can continue to provide a broad and enriched curriculum. Please see the Compass message sent out previously regarding Parent Voluntary Contributions. Payments can be made via the Qkr app, in person at the office or over the phone via credit and debit cards.
Building a love of reading: Our home reading program will start early this term and details will be communicated soon by your child’s classroom teacher. Reading at home is part of our homework expectations and every child is expected to read or engage in reading activities with their parents every day for a minimum of 15 mins. Building a love of reading is the goal here so enjoying books that come home is really important. Thanks in advance for your support with this..
Please note that homework will not formally begin until the week beginning Feb 12th (sent home Feb 9th).
Specialist Classes: In 2024 students will participate in specialist classes in the areas of Art, Japanese, Physical Education, Music and STEM (Science, Teachnology, Engineering and Maths) every week and a timetable will be communicated shortly via your classroom teacher. This program will begin on Thursday Feb 1 and we know students are very much looking forward to these sessions!
Meet and Greet Sessions:
An important part of transitioning into a new school year is the chance to meet with parents/carers and students to share information and build a common understanding of the expectations of learning at Buninyong PS.
There are two Meet and Greet sessions organised for the first few weeks of 2024, those being:
Grade Prep Meet and Greet: Wednesday Jan 31 (today). This session is organised specifically to match with Prep students’ rest day on Wednesdays. All Prep parents will have booked in for a session already, if not please contact your child’s classroom teacher to set up a time.
Grade 1 - 6 Meet and Greet: Wednesday Feb 21st (1:30-6pm). Bookings for this session will be open next week so please keep an eye out for a Compass message with booking details.
*Please note it is a 1pm finish on this day for students*