Grade 1/2 News
Term 4, Week 4
Grade 1/2 News
Term 4, Week 4
Term 4 Dates
Be Awesome Day - Donations
Thank you to families who have been able to donate items for our 'Be Awesome Day' stalls. We are greatly appreciative of this, to help the day run successfully.
Grandparent's and Special Friend's Day
It was wonderful to have so many grandparents and special friends visit us in our classrooms. Thank you to those families who were able to support this day.
Our students will be working with a small group of their peers to design and build a robot. They will require boxes to complete this activity - if you have any boxes you are willing to donate please send along to your child's classroom from Thursday 14th, November.
Learning about Addition, the Seasons and Designing a Chair
Students have recently practised their automatic recall of addition facts, to support their ability to work with numbers fluently.
Last week students learnt about the four Seasons we have in a year and the sorts of weather we can expect each season.
In Topic lessons students had a go at designing a 'new and improved' chair, they had to think about the materials required to construct their chair and the problem it was helping to solve.
Reading, Writing and Spelling:
Our focus texts for the next fortnight are:
Students will have practise using the reading strategies 'Compare and Contrast' and making connections between the text and themselves and also between the text and the world.
During Writing lessons students will be sharpening their recount skills producing and publishing a recount about 'Be Awesome Day'. In week 6 students will start exploring 'Procedural texts' by thinking about the process of doing things and the verbs which can be used to describe them, for example they might think about how to make a sandwich or instructions for their favourite game.
Phonemes and spelling rules for the rest of term 4 will include:
Week 5: schwa
Spelling rule - ck, tch, dge rule
Week 6: revise sh/ch/ti/ci
Spelling rule - soft c and g rule
Week 7: s/ss/se/ce/x/c
Spelling rule - adding suffixes to base words
Week 8: z/zz/s/se
Spelling rule - revise
Weeks 9/10 & 11: Revision based on student need
Mathematics: In Mathematics students will be learning about time. They will be exploring the concept of analogue clocks, including their features. Students will then have lots of practise telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.
Topic: During topic sessions students will be working in small groups to design and construct their Robot Buddy.
R.R.R.R: Our Respectful Relationships topic is 'Problem Solving'. Students will focus on the size of different problems they might encounter and will participate in a range of games and activities which encourage problem solving skills and co-operation.