Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies Fete:
Thank you to everyone who supported the Mini Vinnies Fund raiser for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal . We raised $1260.00.
Thank you to the staff who made playdough,which sold so well and to the Stage 3 students who cooked delicious cakes, biscuits and slices. Thank you also to the Kinder parents for their very generous donations of jelly cups. The Stage 1 ice blocks were a nice way to cool down.
We still have some tubs of books still to sell and we will be selling them at the Carols night on Friday 13th December. At only 50c a book they are a great way to get some holiday reading materials. Please bring your change.
From Mini Vinnies and Mrs. Gannon
Mr Kerry Muir came to the school and was presented with the money raised by the Mini Vinnies committee.