Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Student Celebrations
Celebrating many things that our students have achieved
Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.
PA | Myra G | For the tremendous effort you put towards all that you do! You give everything your all and are reaping the benefits from your hard work. Well done Myra! |
PB | Koki S | For always showing great reading behaviours and showing confidence to read in front of the class. I am so impressed by your hard work and motivation, Koki. Keep up the great work! |
PC | Ned K | For the amazing graph you created this week! Your determination and effort to complete work that you are proud of makes me so happy! Well done Ned, for taking so much care in your work. |
PD | Oliver F | For your effort in producing the interesting and humorous narrative this week about your buddy. I loved seeing your creativity shine in your work. Keep it up superstar! |
PE | Remy R | For your amazing effort to improve your writing, consistently remembering your finger spaces and trying to make your writing more interesting for the reader. You are a Prep E superstar! |
1A | Manny C | For his fantastic efforts when working through the writing process to revise and edit a piece of writing. I love how you are becoming more confident to reread your writing and discuss possible changes you can make to enhance your writing. Keep up the great work, Manny! |
1B | Hugo T | For being an all round superstar! Hugo, you are an incredible member of our class! You are kind, helpful and hardworking! We just love having you in 1B and we are so proud of you! |
1C | Walter R | For his wonderful focus on writing. Walter I am so proud of the way you are persisting with your writing and turning fantastic ideas into well constructed sentences. Keep up the great work! |
1D | Thaddeus D | For your resilience, kindness and empathy this week when working with the Preps during swimming time. Thaddy, you have been a role model to our younger students and shown our Wembley values. Well done superstar, you should be really proud of yourself! |
2A | Ged C | For his hard-working attitude and amazing effort in all learning areas. Ged, your positive attitude and growth mindset when facing challenges is wonderful to see and you are a great role model for your classmates. Well done! |
2B | Enzo K | For working so hard in all curriculum areas everyday, Enzo has completed some reading assessments this week and passed them with flying colours! I’m so proud of Enzo, his recent form at school as been similar to that of Kylian M’bappe! |
2C | ||
2D | Margot C | For showing an excellent attitude towards school and learning. Margot, you always apply your best effort, and when you were a co-teacher you were very strict and funny! Well done superstar and keep it up! |
3A | Max T | For working hard to catch up on your writing in class. Well done Max, you have shown a growth mindset in class and are working towards your goals. Keep up the terrific effort! |
3B | Elizabeth T | For being a kind and supportive friend. Elizabeth, your encouragement and growth mindset displayed when supporting a friend’s resilience is something to be admired and is setting a fantastic example for your peers. Keep it up, legend! |
3C | Justine L | For always going above and beyond to lend a helping hand to those around. Justine you have been outstanding these past few weeks; showing great resilience, care and compassion. Amazing job!! |
3D | Ruby J | For putting an incredible amount of effort into everything you do. Your work in class is always completed to a high standard, setting an amazing example for those around you. Well done, Ruby! |
4A | Margot M | For embracing all of the challenges and activities on camp with an open mind and a positive attitude. Margot, you brought great enthusiasm and fun to our camp, and contributed to a positive experience for all of your peers. Awesome work! |
4B | Ella C | For demonstrating outstanding leadership skills on camp from assisting with the carabiners on the flying fox, modelling her archery skills or radiating enthusiasm with her ‘can do’ attitude. Ella, you are a true leader and a fabulous human. 4B is so lucky to have you! |
4C | Megan H | For the incredible way she conducted herself during Year 4 camp. Megan displayed resilience when facing challenges, courage when attempting new activities and respect when interacting with her peers or staff. She took responsibility for her belongings and was always listening carefully to instructions. Well done Megan on being such an amazing camper! |
4D | Emily A | For showing awesome resilience and keeping such a positive attitude during school camp! Emily, no matter what challenges you faced, you stayed determined and always had a smile on your face. Thank you for your positivity, I'm super proud of you. |
5A | Marlie C | For always going above and beyond. Marlie you are a superstar and can always be counted upon to be doing the right thing, to show inclusion and for generally being awesome! Thank you for all of your hard work and keep it up! |
5B | Max B | For your incredible transformation this year! Max, you have learned so much about yourself, including how to self-regulate and adapt to new environments to find your own path to success. You’ve grown so much in grade 5 and set yourself up for a smooth transition to Year 6. Well done! |
5C | Marlo M | For the kindness you always show your peers. You always treat others with so much care and respect, which is why everybody loves being your friend. It's been so great to get to know you more this year and discover what a wonderful young person you are! Thanks for setting such a positive example and being a role model for Wembley students. Congratulations Marlo, you star! |
5D | Asha H | For being a resilient learner who is able to solve problems creatively. I have been so impressed by the dedication you have shown towards your learning, and have enjoyed sharing in your Year Five journey. Congratulations Asha! |
6A | Amber M | For your excellent feedback to your peers during the writing process Amber! Thank you for making a positive impact on another's writing and for being a role model to your classmates. Well done! |
6B | Mariam E | For your wonderful and positive growth mindset towards your learning, especially in mathematics. Mariam, you’ve used positive self-talk to emphasise how proud you are of yourself. Keep up the awesome work, I am also very proud! |
6C | Hussein A | For his commitment to challenge himself and ‘can do’ attitude. Hussein has been working particularly hard during Reading, and was able to present his thoughts and ideas in a clear and conscientious manner when researching racism in sport. Well done Hussein! |
PA | Tajvir K | For your engagement and focus around our new concept unit on Design & Technology. You are truly getting a chance to shine, and it is wonderful to hear your insightful ideas & contributions to class conversations. Well done Taj! |
PB | Eloise C | For showing incredible resilience and a positive mindset when adapting to using only one arm. It has been so great to seeing you make the most of each day. Keep up the great work, Eloise! |
PC | Ruth O | For being a wonderful classmate and friend to Prep C and always being the first person to put your hand up to help others. Ruth, you set an amazing example to your peers and I was so grateful for your support during our iPad writing session. You are amazing! |
PD | Harriet C | For her demonstration of what it takes to be a leader of her peers in preparation for our Legoland excursion. Harriet I loved seeing you encouraging others to follow our Wembley values. Keep it up superstar! |
PE | Freddie H | For being a supportive and kind class member. You are always quick to offer help or friendship to your classmates, consistently displaying our Wembley Values. Freddie, you are a Prep E superstar! |
1A | Neema N | For her fantastic efforts in writing a persuasive piece on cats. I loved how you were able to use our persuasive technique of comparing cats to something else and why they were better. Keep up the great work, Neema! |
1B | Harry R | For your wonderful effort with your writing and for being an incredible member of our class! Harry you are a superstar and we are so proud of you! |
1C | Lucy K | For being a wonderful role model for our class. Lucy, you are always ready to help others, showing kindness and respect and modeling our school values. Thank you for being so thoughtful and someone we can all rely on. You are amazing! |
1D | Hugo F | For being a respectful, hard-working and kind member of 1D. Hugo, you have had a wonderful week, showing our school values at all times. You’ve put your best effort into all of your work and been a role model to your friends and classmates. Well done legend, keep up the amazing work! |
2A | Aleksandra V | For her increasing resilience, growth mindset and improved effort in all learning areas. Alex, it's so wonderful to see your enthusiasm for learning blossoming. Keep up the fabulous work! |
2B | Kaspar S | For always giving a terrific effort no matter what he does! Kaspar is such a great role model for his peers in the way he approaches his learning. On top of this, he is very creative and also able to get out of his comfort zone. Well done mate, you’ve had a wonderful year. |
2C | ||
2D | Tori B | For your amazing efforts in math. Tori, you have worked so hard in all math topics this year, especially in fractions this week! Wow! Well done and keep it up superstar! |
3A | William C | For being an amazing role model to your peers and always showing the Wembley values. Will, you are a thoughtful considerate friend who always is willing to help others inside the classroom. Congratulations on a wonderful effort! |
3B | Austin T | For demonstrating an amazing effort when working on your informative writing. Austin, your efforts so far this term have been outstanding as you are setting a fantastic example for your friends. Keep it up, legend! |
3C | Evie M | For being such a considerate friend by helping someone in need and ensuring they are okay. Evie, you are always such a courteous, kind and positive member of our classroom. Keep up the good work! |
3D | Chloe R | For demonstrating resilience throughout your learning at school and always putting 100% into everything that you do. Your incredibly positive attitude is so wonderful to be around everyday. It has a huge impact on those around you. You are amazing! |
4A | Ava A | For approaching all learning tasks with a drive to improve and to complete work at the highest standard possible. Ava, no matter the lesson or the teacher, you have an awesome attitude towards your learning and should be super proud of how you carry yourself at school. Great work! |
4B | Samuel H | For a fabulous return to school and demonstrating outstanding growth in his reading. Sam, you have had a very focused week and we have loved having you part of 4B again. Well done Sam! |
4C | Luka C | For the concentration and effort he has been investing into the classroom. Luka has been displaying incredible focus during mini-lessons and frequently seeking to share his ideas. He has also been working hard during independent learning and applying effort to each of his tasks. Keep up the incredible work Luka! |
4D | Georgia G | For her excellent efforts in multiplication this week, demonstrating a range of strategies and exceptional working out! Georgia, your enthusiasm and determination to tackle challenging problems has been amazing. Keep up your the fantastic work superstar! |
5A | Musa Y | For his continued determination and willingness to engage in your learning. Congratulations on a wonderful Term 4 so far! Well done and keep up the awesome work! |
5B | Jet L | For consistently putting in 100% effort across all subject areas. Jet, you’ve truly embodied what it means to be a star Wembley student, always striving for success. Your achievements are a direct reflection of your exceptional work ethic. Well done, and keep up the fantastic work! |
5C | Daniel C | For setting an amazing example for others. You always show kindness, respect and patience towards others. I feel very lucky to have you in my class because you show outstanding leadership by just being you. Thank you for showing others how to be a phenomenal Wembley citizen! |
5D | Ty S | For the relentless determination you show towards achieving your learning goals. You never give up and are always motivated to learn more. Congratulations on an incredible Year 5, Ty! |
6A | Ryan T | For your exceptional job cover letter. Ryan, you put so much work into your letter - it truly was a genuine application. What an excellent piece of writing! |
6B | Finn S | For your recent efforts with your maths, reading and writing tasks. Finn, you've demonstrated how capable you are to complete work to a high standard, taking your time and ensuring you complete all tasks to the best of your ability, even if this means choosing to get it done during your eating time. I am super proud of you, keep up the great work all term! |
6C | Amelia H | For her mature approach to learning and consistently producing high quality work. Amelia takes great pride in all set tasks and her dedication and commitment should be commended. Super effort! Well done Amelia! |
Maxwell McCallum (5D) was awarded the 2024 'Most Improved Player' for Footscray Lacrosse Club's U12 Green Team. The team played a great season with Maxwell as Lead Defender (his player nickname is 'The Silver Hammer'). Maxwell's brother, Hugo (4A) played alongside his brother in the 2024 season.
Student Newsletter acknowledgements
We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.