This Week's Updates

Dear Families,
We are very excited to welcome all of our 2025 Preps to their first orientation/transition session this coming Wednesday. We have 23 male and 23 female students enrolled which includes 19 siblings and 26 new families.
Many of our Year Three students were at their First Reconciliation commitment mass over the weekend and will receive this sacrament on Wednesday 13 November in the evening at our St John's church.
Bunnings BBQ
Our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser is on this weekend and Dan still needs a co-ordinator from 1pm - 4pm to assist during this time, and will be back to support with the pack up. If you are available to volunteer during this time, please let us know at the office.
Mango Fundraiser
Don't miss out on our Mango Fundraiser. Please go to CDF Pay and place your orders by Sunday 27th October. A note relating to this has also gone home in the eldest student's bag today. This is an important fundraiser for our school and a healthy initiative to kick start the Summer.
Division Athletics
Congratulations to our four students who progressed to the Regional Championships that will be held this coming Thursday. Best of luck to Lily, Oscar, Nathan and Grace. We are proud of you for your achievements in a very competitive field.
Twilight/Afternoon Sports Thursday 31 October
The students are preparing for this event in Physical Education lessons. Mrs Wall and our Year Six Leaders have introduced a new initiative this year which involves a dance movement. All students at school prior to 8.45am can join in rehearsals on the netball court on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, commencing from tomorrow.
Please note that we will transport the students to the Bill Sewart Athletics Track ready to commence their events at 1.30pm. Parents are expected to pick up their children at the conclusion of the event at 4.30pm. Of course, all parents are invited to attend from 1.30pm to 4.30pm to view the events and support your children.
Due to the timing of the sports we will not have a BBQ or coffee van this year. Parents may wish to bring along snacks for themselves to eat throughout the afternoon.
Children's Liturgy at St John's Weekend Masses
This is becoming more popular week by week. It's a great way for your children to learn about the weekend scripture, including the gospel each Sunday during the 9:45am and 11:15am masses.
Parish Fete
The fete's success relies on the participation of the whole Parish and we are hoping that you will actively be involved in our wonderful Fete this year. It's a great day for the whole family and the kids love attending.
This year's fete is on Saturday 16 November. All families are expected to contribute to our fete. The latest Fete Newsletter is attached here for families to sign up as stall volunteers.
The Fete committee have asked that each year level volunteer on a particular stall unless you have already committed to another stall. Year Level Stalls are listed below:
Prep - Popcorn/Fairyfloss
Year 1 - Snowcones
Year 2 - Lolly Stall
Year 3 - Donuts
Year 4 - Cakes
Year 5 - Coffee
Year 6 - JJ's Cafe
Toy Stall - Donations Please!
Please bring in any unwanted toys to school in the coming weeks. There will be a collection box available in the community centre foyer under the table.
Thank you to the families who have returned their raffle tickets so far. Please return sold books to the school office. Students can return the books via their class tub.
The first of our early return draw prizes will be drawn Monday morning at assembly so have your tickets in by Friday afternoon to qualify.
Please sign up to volunteer via the QR codes below.
Building Update
The building is progressing to schedule and the roofing is complete. Windows are being installed this week and we are hopeful that the scaffolding will be removed soon to reveal the outside of the building.
A Few Term Four Reminders/Notes
- Summer Uniform is to be worn from today, Monday 21st October
- All school fee accounts should be settled by now unless you are on a direct debit arrangement or have another agreement in place with the school
- Monday 18th - Friday 29th November - School Swimming Lessons - Prep - Year 4
- Our whole school value focus this term is cooperation
Hope you all have a great week,