Parish News

Parish Office
Due to Uni commitments, Larissa will be away from the office from Friday 25th October and return on Friday 29th October. The Parish office will be unattended on Wednesdays and Fridays during this time, but you may leave messages that will be responded to as soon as possible.
Catholic Mission Appeal
The Annual Catholic Mission Appeal is running this weekend. Envelopes are available.
November Mass Intentions
During November, we remember those who have returned to the Father! From this week we invite all families to write the names of departed loved ones in the books of remembrance.
These books of Special Intentions will be set up on a special memorial on the Sanctuary during the month of November. Mass Offering Envelopes are also available (names cannot be printed in the Weekly Bulletin due to the large volume).
All Saints Day and All Souls Day
All Saints Day Friday 1st November - Mass will be celebrated at 9.10am
All Souls Day Saturday 2nd November - Mass will be celebrated at 9.10am
2025 Bible Diaries
To purchase a copy please write your name on a completed payment envelope in the Church Foyer. These Bible Diaries are designed to help you to keep the Word of God close to your heart in your daily life. A companion on the journey to pray, to share, to grow in God’s love and be nourished by the Word of God make these an ideal gift. They are $20 each (rrp $21.95) Cash payments only.
Orders can now be collected from the Sacristy.
Catholic Mission