A Message from the Principal

Mrs Carolyn Parsell

Dear Parents and Carers,


What a great start to Term 4! Congratulations to all on a wonderful, settled start to the last Term of 2024. We are looking forward to celebrating many more memorable occasions as we move through what my former Parish Priest refers to as the "ber" months.

Wellbeing Initiative

We all recognise the importance of caring for everyone's wellbeing. This year all schools were given a one-off grant to boost wellbeing. After considerable research and consideration, we have used some of the money to fund the introduction of a wellbeing dog to the school. Cookie worked her first day at St Martha's yesterday. Please see the Cookie's Life page of the newsletter to read about her first day. The students should be congratulated on their knowledge of the expectations and the beautiful way they assisted Cookie to feel calm and relaxed in a very new environment. Congratulations to the students who won the colouring-in competition and got to spend some time with Cookie on her first day.


Thank-you to everyone for your patience as we complete the renovations and repairs in the school. We are blessed to have the support of Sydney Catholic Schools Facilities Team, in upgrading the school toilets and replacing the roof on the Old Church building. The children were delighted on return from the holidays to see that the team had worked so hard over the holiday period to replace the toilets. Our beautiful modern toilets are greatly appreciated by all. We know the students will be inspired to keep them clean and beautiful. The progress on our new roof has been delayed by a few wet days, a number of weddings and funerals and by a few unexpected extra repairs required. The builders are working as fast as they can to replace the slates and we are hoping the weather is kind to us over the next few weeks. The Homebush Road gate will remain closed in the mornings, but is available for dismissal in the afternoons.

Trivia Night

Our school is holding a Trivia Night on Friday 15th November. We are raising funds for the 100 Years of St Martha's celebrations in 2025. Get a table of eight together or buy a ticket and join a table. It will be a great night of fun, games, and trivia. Let's see who knows the most! Guaranteed to be an amazing night. Don't miss out! Book your tickets now!




Peace and best wishes,

Carolyn Parsell