Kitchen Garden Program
This year we applied for a Stephanie Alexander Kick Start Grant and to our surprise we were successful. With this grant money we have been able to buy equipment, garden beds, plants, seeds, tools, gloves, garden cart, soil and much more. We are having work done to install two new outdoor taps so that the garden can be easily watered to help with sustainability of the program.
We would like to celebrate our Kitchen Garden Program on Tuesday 12th November 3.30pm to 4.30pm by sharing what we have achieved and our plans for the future. Cooking and Gardening provides the students a different way of learning maths (practicing measurement in a practical way), following instructions (by reading a recipe or a planting guide). It is also a very hands on learning experience which some children really respond to.
We see the The Kitchen Garden Program as apart of our Wellbeing approach as it offers opportunities for students to connect with other students that they may not normally choose to work with, providing a space for some to shine in leadership roles. It also offers a safe space to go to for a brain break when the class is overwhelming, some students enjoy going out and watering the garden to reset and then return ready to learn.
On the night:
We will hear from Ms Drosseart about Wellbeing and Mental Health in a Primary School setting and Ms Lisa Quek, Psychologist, will be sharing tips around how to support your children and be able to answer any questions you have.